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Digital trigger USB-1608FS-PLUS




I'm sorry if I missed an answer to my question on the forum, but I cannot find it so far.

I have a USB-1608FS-PLUS, and I am acquiring an analog signal through Python. I set up a trigger with set_trigger(board_num, TrigType.TRIG_POS_EDGE, 0, 1) and send a trigger with a digital port to the trig_in (pin 21 to 37) with d_bit_out(board_num, DigitalPortType.AUXPORT, 0, 1).

The digital signal is sent, and without the ScanOptions.EXTTRIGGER, the a_in_scan is working. However, when I activate the EXTTRIGGER, the acquisition does not start. I include a schematic piece of the code below:

ul.d_bit_out(board_num, DigitalPortType.AUXPORT, 0, 0)

ul.set_trigger(board_num, TrigType.TRIG_POS_EDGE, 0, 1)

scan_options = ScanOptions.BACKGROUND | ScanOptions.EXTTRIGGER

ul.a_in_scan(board_num, low_channel, high_channel, total_count, sampling_freq, ai_range, memhandle[i], scan_options)


ul.d_bit_out(board_num, DigitalPortType.AUXPORT, 0, 1)


ul.d_bit_out(board_num, DigitalPortType.AUXPORT, 0, 0)

I guess the amplitude might not be sufficient to activate proper triggering.

Edited by giovanniconoscenti
typo on set_trigger
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4 answers to this question

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12 hours ago, JRys said:

The USB-1608FS-PLUS digital output is configured with a 47k pull-up to 5v from the factory, so the amplitude is sufficient. Could you wire pin 21 to pin 37 and try the attached Python script?  For pinouts, see page 11 in the user manual

a_in_scan_forground_1608FS_Plus.py 3.42 kB · 0 downloads

Thanks for the reply. I wired 21 and 37 and I tried the script, but it's waiting at the Product type. I verified that the digital output is actually working, in fact, I see a 5V output while the bit out is configured as 1. 

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On 6/17/2024 at 9:41 PM, JRys said:

The USB-1608FS-PLUS digital output is configured with a 47k pull-up to 5v from the factory, so the amplitude is sufficient. Could you wire pin 21 to pin 37 and try the attached Python script?  For pinouts, see page 11 in the user manual

a_in_scan_forground_1608FS_Plus.py 3.42 kB · 1 download

I still didn't manage to trigger it. Do you have other ideas to debug it?

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