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Device config version miss match error after network configuration



Hello! We are trying to configure our ADP3450 to stream data via ethernet using a Linux Alma9 system. For that we tried to configure the IPAdress, Subnet Mask and Gateway of the device to match fixed ones, using a laptop with macOs 14.4.1 and Waveforms 3.22.2.

We connected the device using the USB connector and followed the instructions on https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-pro-3x50/ethernet-streaming to configure the ethernet. Then we applied the changes.

After that we heard a clicking sound but if we try to access the network tab again this error pops up:


Once this message appears waveforms crashes and if we try to open it again the USB connection is gone. After that the program freezes and crashes again. If we restart the Oscilloscope waveforms stops crashing and the USB connection is restored.

We also tried to do this from a Linux laptop with similar results. This is our second post on this topic, as we couldn't solve the issue yet and we had no response on the original post. Here the original post ca be found:

We have two question in this regard:

Why is this error popping up?
Is the ethernet configuration correctly saved?

Thank you

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11 answers to this question

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Hi @LuisP

The lister ID and version are not valid values. It seems to be communication problem, data corruption.
Is the device working with USB connection from a computer ?

Sorry for the later response, but I'm on vacation.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, attila said:

Hi @LuisP

The lister ID and version are not valid values. It seems to be communication problem, data corruption.
Is the device working with USB connection from a computer ?

Sorry for the later response, but I'm on vacation.

Hi, the device gets automatically connected to the application when using USB, we haven't tried to take data yet but it seems to work fine when connected by USB, it The error occurs when trying to configure the ethernet connection.

Edited by LuisP
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Posted (edited)

Hello @attila after some time we have been able to change the ip adress of our device without the error popping up. We are able to both ping the adress and access the oscilloscope in linux mode by using ssh, but neither waveforms SDK nor the application seems to find the device.

I'm also able to connect to the oscilloscope using the application by using the following chain of actions: device manager->more->Connect to: And entering the IP, the password and the user name it connects to the oscilloscope.

We are planning on using waveforms SDK for the things we need, I hoped that being able to use the application to connect I would also be able to use the SDK. For that I have tried using the function:

FDwfDeviceOpenEx(const char *szOpt, HDWF *phdwf)

While defining:

szOpt = c_char_p(b"ip:x.x.x.x\user:digilent\pass:digilent\secure:1")
dwf.FDwfDeviceOpenEx(szOpt, byref(hdwf))

But the SDK is not able to pick up the oscilloscope. I have two main questions:

1- Why is the SDK or Waveforms not finding the oscilloscope, taking into account that I'm in a Linux Alma9 installation

2- Why is the command dwf.FDwfDeviceOpenEx(szOpt, byref(hdwf)) not working if I'm entering the same configurations that I was entering in the device manager->more->Connect to chain?

Thanks for the help!

Edited by LuisP
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Hi @LuisP

1. Are the devices on the same local network? If so, you can leave the default DHCP
For a fixed setting or direct connection, make sure the mask is correct and the IP is unique.
Maybe the system or network is blocking LAN autodetection messages, although I have never seen this happen.

2. Use \n or \r separator "ip:x.x.x.x\nuser:digilent\npass:digilent\nsecure:1"

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Hi, the device are both in the same subnet, the oscilloscope is connected to a ethernet switch, which is visible to the server we are using. The IP is unique and also the mask. I tried what you suggested on the second point and it now works, Thanks!

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