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I2C Write command is always 'true'




I'm running an I2C script to find the connected devices in the bus, but it "detects" devices that are not connected. I'm attaching part of the script I'm running (is the protocol example code adapted for script window) an its output.




Any idea of what's happening or how to solve this?

I'm using WaveForms 3.22.20 on Windows 11 and an AD2 for this test.



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I found something "crazy" about this.

This is the code I'm running:


In another window I have the next setup:


If I use the debugger Logic Analyzer the result of the protocol.i2c.write function is always "true"


BUT when this opion is unchecked:


The result of the scipt is correct:


What is happening here? is this a known issue I wasn't aware of? where can I read about them to avoid further problems with this?




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Hi @PabloFocus

Leave the 'clock stretching' checked unless you really need the simple pattern mode.
I let this option in front for backward compatibility, since the 'no stretch' mode was the first implemented one, but now I may have to hide this option.


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Hi @PabloFocus

Protocol instrument does not receive/read data when "Debug with Logic Analyzer. No Data Reception!" is checked.
To be able to debug more script, custom code, I tried setting the functions to return success in this case.



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This also happens for script window? I'm not using the script tab from protocol, but the general script window. I only enable or disable the 'debug with logic analyzer' from the protocol tab so "it works" the I2C protocol in the script window.

Sorry for not being clear enough, To reproduce the error I'm facing is:

1. enable the 'Debug with logic analyzer' from the protocol window.

2. run I2C device detection script in the general script window.

3. disable the 'Debug with logic analyzer' from the protocol window.

4. Run the I2C device detection script in the general script window.

At this point you should see different reactions from both runs.

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Hi @attila,

Exactly, as you can see when 'Debug with Logic Analyzer' the script finds that all devices/addresses are connected to the bus, which is false. This only works correctly when you disable 'Debug with Logic Analyzer'. Is this a known issue? shouldn't be possible to run the script correctly even when logic analyzer is enabled?

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Hi @PabloFocus

On 5/10/2024 at 12:02 AM, attila said:

Protocol instrument does not receive/read data when "Debug with Logic Analyzer. No Data Reception!" is checked.
To be able to debug more script, custom code, I tried setting the functions to return success in this case.




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Hi @attila,

Ok, I guess I get it now. So it doesn;t matter if it's the protocol or script window if 'Debug with Logic Analyzer' is enabled, it will not receive data and act as if everything is OK, right?

Last question, is there any way to prematurely finish a script without an error/warning? I'm doing:

if(!Tools.question("continue?")) return;

But this is a syntax error, which cause an 'abort' situation.




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