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Can you please have it so in WaveForms we have Pass / Fail Masks on the Waveforms.



Can you please have it so in WaveForms we have Pass / Fail Masks on the Waveforms.

For example, like the following below can something like this be setup in the software.

From Rigol can this be created in WaveForms

Benefits of Pass Fail measurements and how to set them up (site.com)

Benefits of Pass Fail measurements and how to set them up

Dec 11, 2019•Knowledge

You can use Pass/Fail measurements for a number of applications. With Rigol scopes you can set it up to stop or continue when there is a failure or a pass, you can set the output to be the speaker or
through the optically isolated output on the rear of several models or both, you can create masks with varying error budgets around a target signal, and you can even use the record mode to record all the failures as frames. In this way, you could set up a test over night, let it run, and come back and have all the failure states recorded for you.

This  procedure uses a DS1000Z series scopes and will be similar to other Rigol scopes: 

Push UTIL and then push PASS/FAIL.

Set Enable to ON, automatically a mask will be created.

To adjust the mask to the signal you want to test press the Range soft key and adjust the X Mask and Y MASK similar to the image below. The idea here is to design a space where the signal is not expected to enter. This space is represented by the blue background portion of the display. As X and Y is adjusted you will see the signal bracketed by a white border. When you are satisfied with the mask you have adjusted push the soft Create key. The resultant mask should look similar to this:


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Hi Attila,

This is amazing, thank you for creating this pass / fail masks this will be an awesome feature for automotive diagnostics.

I'm just so impressed with how quickly you are able to turn things around and waveforms is the only software that I'm aware of in which you are actually able to submit enhancements and ideas and they are implemented in sometimes a couple of days or less it's just unheard of.

You are a prodigy developer.


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