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LIN bus / Bus Analyzer, Protocol Analyzer



I am working with the Analog Discovery 2 for some time.
Till now I used it only for simple measurements of signals, no busses, no protocols.

But now I have the idea to analyze a LIN bus.
Unfortunately, I can not find an approach to realize this with the waveforms Software. There is some information about the CAN bus protocol but nothing about LIN.

Is there somewhere information about how to analyze this with the Analog Discovery 2?

Thanks for help!


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5 answers to this question

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Hi @Jonas007,

I'll state up front that the Analog Discovery 2, at least as is without any adapters or external hardware, will not be able to readily interface with a LIN device as LIN operates at 12 V and the digital I/O lines on the Analog Discovery 2 operate at 3.3 V (but are 5 V input tolerant which is why there is some CAN support). Consequently, there has not been any work done on Digilent's side to facilitate LIN support.

I'm not certain how different LIN is from CAN aside from the voltage difference and the different frame lengths, but since google tells me that LIN is deterministic rather than event driven, you might (again, I'm not certain of the protocol differences) be able to use the existing CAN examples, https://forum.digilent.com/topic/25714-sniff-fdcan-with-the-waveforms-sdk/#comment-76767, within the Script tool to be able receive data to a variable and then do whatever calculations you need on the resulting array since LIN operates at a much slower rate than CAN so the AD2 will be able to keep up with the external system without issue.

Alternatively if the protocol is drastically different you can set up a custom pattern in the Patterns tool, though it would likely be more work to get that set up exactly as you desire.


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Hi, Yes the LIN-Bus is 12 V but if you could use the oscilloscope inputs which is ±25V to do the analysis there should be no problem.

Another manufacturer of USB oscilloscopes "Picoscope" has this functionality (and a lot of other serial interface decoding support) already, so why can't you add it?

As I tend to use the Discovery 3 more and more and I do not like to carry around the bigger Picoscope in my backpack  when I need to go faultfinding in vehicles, the serial interface decoding option with multibus combability is really a thing I would like you to add.


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