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some questions about Waveforms SDK with DigitalIn



I am sure at least some will be a repeat but the issues below are not clear to me after looking at the Waveforms SDK DigitalIn documentation and looking over the samples. Thanks very much for all the clarifications in advance.


FDwfDigitalInStatusRecord(HDWF hdwf, int *pcdDataAvailable, int *pcdDataLost, int *pcdDataCorrupt)
pcdDataLost – Pointer to variable to receive the lost samples after the last check.
Is this the number of lost samples (similar to pcdDataCorrupt) or something else ? When can samples get lost ? how is it different than corrupt ?

FDwfDigitalInStatus(HDWF hdwf, int fReadData, DwfState *psts)
fReadData – TRUE if data should be read.
I am not sure why/when fReadData=TRUE should be used. Is it when FDwfDigitalInStatusData will be called after this ? or in other words, should StatusData be called only after calling Status with fReadData=TRUE ? 

FDwfDigitalInStatusData2(HDWF hdwf, void *rgData, int idxSample, int countOfDataBytes)
idxSample – First sample index to copy.
What is this function for ? What is sample index ?

FDwfDigitalInDividerSet(HDWF hdwf, unsigned int div)
div – Divider value.
SDK documentation does not mention the sync mode, so no mention of this can be send, I think, as -1 for sync mode.

FDwfDigitalInBufferSizeInfo(HDWF hdwf, int *pnSizeMax)
pnSizeMax – Pointer to variable to return maximum buffer size.
FDwfDigitalInBufferSizeSet(HDWF hdwf, int nSize)
nSize – Buffer size.
(I asked this in another question as well, adding here for the completeness)
I have an impression the buffer size here is not in units of bytes but in units of 32-bit words or in units of samples. The maximum returns 64M, since DDR mem on the device is 256MB, I think this is number of samples for sample format 32. If I have sample format 8, and if I want 4M samples, should I set this to 4M or 1M ?

FDwfDigitalInAcquisitionModeInfo(HDWF hdwf, int* pfsacqmode)
when it is acqmodeScanShift or acqmodeScanScreen, does it change how I read the data ? Is it always read with FDwfDigitalInStatusData supplying countOfDataBytes with availableBytes from FDwfDigitalInStatusRecord ?

FDwfDigitalInStatusSamplesValid(HDWF hdwf, int *pcSamplesValid)
FDwfDigitalInStatusRecord(HDWF hdwf, int *pcdDataAvailable, int *pcdDataLost, int *pcdDataCorrupt)
what is the difference between pcSamplesValid and pcdDataAvailable ? Is pcSamplesValid the total number whereas pcdDataAvailable is the current available in buffer since last acquisition ?

FDwfDigitalInSampleSensibleSet(HDWF hdwf, unsigned int fs)
what is compression exactly ? is it meaningful to use it on mostly not changing data lines ? 

FDwfDigitalInTriggerSlopeSet(HDWF hdwf, DwfTriggerSlope slope)
why is this used for ?

FDwfDigitalInTriggerPositionSet(HDWF hdwf, unsigned int cSamplesAfterTrigger)
FDwfDigitalInTriggerPrefillSet(HDWF hdwf, unsigned int cSamplesBeforeTrigger)
What is the difference between setting cSamplesAfterTrigger to nSamples/2 and not using PrefillSet vs. setting cSamplesAfterTrigger to nSamples/2 and also cSamplesBeforeTrigger to nSamples/2 ? 

Edited by mete
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