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PMOD BLE connect with Zybo Z7-10



Hello all,

that is my first post on this forum so if something could be wrong from my side - please let me know ;).

Project description

I want to connect Pmod BLE with board Zybo Z7-10. Then using some app from AppStore I want to send some data to Zybo (using Pmod) and receive data from Zybo (using Zybo). At the beginning it can be some string, like "Hello Zybo" and "Hello smartphone".


I found in the internet example (author: ralphjy): link. I try to reproduce his achievement but with no success :(. Here is my block diagram (1_block_diagram) which is similar to this which ralphjy present in his tutorial.


I attached also constraint (4_constraints) but I do not now how to properly connect them.


Also I try generate bitsream but it failed with some errors (2_Messages and 3_log).




  • Zybo Z7-10 -> link 
  • Pmod BLE -> link


  • Zybo-Z7 Constraints -> link
  • Pmod BLE source files in Vivado-library -> link

Maybe some of You work with Pmod BLE and got helpfull know-how :). Thanks for help guys!

Edited by bridzysta
change pictures position regardless to description
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