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Nexys Video AXI PS/2 demo not working in 2022.1



Hey there, I've managed to build the bitstream and program my Nexys Video board with the Nexys Video AXI PS/2 Keyboard Demo Xilinx Tools 2020.1 project however, when I unplug the micro usb from the PROG port to plug it in the UART port and try to connect to it using Terra Term I don't see anything happening.

Here's my Tera Term's serial port settings:

I've tried 115200 baud and 9600 baud, flow control: none and flow control: Xon/Xoff but still, nothing is happening in the console. I've connected a keyboard to the J15 USB port.

I am following this "tutorial": https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/nexys-video/demos/axi-ps2 but the Functionality section simply shows the serial communication working from the start and does not explain if there's anything to do with the FPGA board or the right serial port setup...

I am using Vivado 2022.1 and have correctly updated the ip blocks and project as a whole.

I've noticed I am still getting warnings:


Here's an exerp of my ip_upgrade.log file:


Upgrade Log for IP 'design_1_microblaze_0_0'

1. Summary


CAUTION (success, with warnings) in the upgrade of design_1_microblaze_0_0 (xilinx.com:ip:microblaze:11.0) from (Rev. 3) to (Rev. 9)

After upgrade, an IP may have parameter differences compared to the original customization. Please review the parameters within the IP customization GUI to ensure proper functionality.

2. Customization warnings


An attempt to modify the value of disabled parameter 'C_ICACHE_HIGHADDR' from '0x000000003fffffff' to '0x000000003FFFFFFF' has been ignored for IP 'design_1_microblaze_0_0'

An attempt to modify the value of disabled parameter 'C_DCACHE_HIGHADDR' from '0x000000003fffffff' to '0x000000003FFFFFFF' has been ignored for IP 'design_1_microblaze_0_0'


Can this prevent the project from working?

Edited by intern2022
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