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Exporting Sobel filter edge coordinates



Hello all,

I have used sobel filter to do edge detection. As i attached the picture, i have the edges.

Now, i want to export x-y coordinates (or pixels). How can i do it?

What IP should i use? and Where should i connect it. I assume that i should connect the IP to output of the rgb to dvi.

Please, help.



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2 answers to this question

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Hello @ozgur,
I have some questions:
Are you doing edge detection in hardware (on the FPGA) or in software? What board are you using?


Now, i want to export x-y coordinates (or pixels). How can i do it?

What IP should i use? and Where should i connect it. I assume that i should connect the IP to output of the rgb to dvi.

Are you doing image processing on a video feed or on a single image?
What do you mean by exporting the pixels? Do you mean exporting the edge pixels of a single image in memory, so that it can be processed in software? Or do you mean exporting the processed video feed to an external display (via rgb to dvi IP)?

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Due to the exams i am late to asnwer but now ready to continue.

As you asked, I am doing edge detection in hardware. I am using zybo z7-20.

On 5/2/2022 at 11:16 AM, Niță Eduard said:

Are you doing image processing on a video feed or on a single image?

I do image processing. It is like object tracking. 


On 5/2/2022 at 11:16 AM, Niță Eduard said:

What do you mean by exporting the pixels? Do you mean exporting the edge pixels of a single image in memory, so that it can be processed in software? Or do you mean exporting the processed video feed to an external display (via rgb to dvi IP)?

I want to send pixsel to 3d printer and print out the video. FOr example, there is a moving wavy line which is moving constantly. I want to detect the line with webcam, then apply sobel filter and then i want to sent pixels(coordinates or whatever ) to printer. to have same line int he end.

To explain better. As i attached above picture. I want to print ONLY victory sign with printer continiously.

Thanks for advance.

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