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Multi channel xFFT ip block with multi channel xADC



Hi, I have a problem about FFT ip block. As says in the title,I have a xADC ip block in channel sequencer mode in my design and it works smoothly! I make demux module to read all channel and convert the data.Since my module is demux,I have 3 output channels data. I want to take the fft of every channel but fft ip block does only have 1 input.I need to make mux to send all the data that comes from demux module. How can i make this mux ? And also,Since my fft have 3 channel,data width is 96 which is stored data from 0 to 31 for ch0, from 31 to 63 for ch1, from 64 to 95 for ch2.How can i be sure that the output of adc for channel 0's data will be stored in ch0 of FFT ? 

Or, is there any way to make mux for adc's output ?

Edited by ayhan
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