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Help display one color background vga basys3




I'm discovering BASYS3/VHDL and I would like to display a red background (just this) using the VGA controller of basys3. 
I already have this file vga_controller_640_60.vhd but do I need to add in this ? 


Can you help me with the code to add ? I will read your suggestions and try to understand ! 



Thank you in advance.

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3 answers to this question

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Hi @aries

Referring to the Basys 3 Reference Manual's section on the VGA port, if you already have syncs being generated, driving the four red signals high and the green and blue signals low during the "display time" ought to do the trick. The reference manual will also include information which can tell you about the sort of circuit (but not necessarily the exact circuit) that the VHDL file you found is describing.



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Hello @artvvb, thank you for link. I already read this page but I'm a beginner, I don't know which VHDL code lines I need to add and WHERE in the script.

I start understanding how it works but I need your help please.




Edited by aries
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Looking at the VHDL module's portmap (line 76-85), this module only controls the sync signals, and requires a 25 MHz clock. The VGA interface requires you to also control the red/grn/blue lines from a vhdl module. The Basys 3's input clock is 100 MHz, so you also need a way to divide the clock down.

If you haven't yet, I'd recommend starting with a simpler project like writing some VHDL that blinks a single LED at a fixed frequency, writing the constraints file to map the top level ports to FPGA pins, and building it and deploying it to your board, prior to taking this project on. There are several tutorials available in various places online that walk through this.



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