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Questions on WaveForms with ADP3450




I'm a student in internship and for my project I need to describe a program that will use the ADP3450 and its instruments to control a sensor, retrieve its data, analyse it and display it in real time, with perhaps an interface allowing to modify some parameters according to the needs of the experiments.
So I have several questions

  • For this project I need to generate a impulse, a signal that lasts a few clock periods at first, then resets and never appears again. I haven't found anything that achieves what I want, but maybe I didn't look at or understand the different options in the software. Is this something that exists?
  • As I am a student in microelectronics, I am not really used to coding in software language (we mostly do assembly language, hardware description language). So do you think it is better for me to use the Script Editor or the SDK? Can you explain why ?
  • If it is best to use the Script Editor, is there a manual/website (or a more complete list of examples) that references the functions and their syntax? Because I personally find it poorly explained and I have a lot of trouble understanding the errors I make in the code.

I hope my questions are clear enough, thanks for your help!

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9 answers to this question

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Hi @ManonH

If you need digital signals use the Pattern generator and for analog use the Wavegen with Independent or Synchronized mode, with finite Run and Repeat.


The WF/Script or WF/SDK selection depends on your requirements.
With the WF app Script tool the controls behind interface can be managed, data process, logged... using JavaScript. This is recommended for simpler automation task.
With the WF SDK custom applications or scripts can be created, using C, C#, Python... This is more suitable for complex tasks. It could provide faster data processing but may require more work.
In any case a minimal coding knowledge is required.

For WF Script see the Example menu and Help tab/browse, use Ctrl+Space to browse the available child nodes, see the tooltip in the status bar when hovering with mouse over a control...
For WF SDK see manual pdf and the 90+ examples under samples/ py

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Hi @attila,


Thank you for the tips !

For the Java Script Editor, there is nothing that appears when I put my cursor on any function, that may be why i'm sometimes struggling to write.

I also saw the Help tab and the examples, but they are not really helpfull for the errors I have (for example, there is no examples on Patterns). Is there anything else I can use to help myself ? If no it's no big deal, I will find myself.



Thank you so much,


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Hi @attila,


Unfortunately ctrl+space didn't work on my computer at the lab, but it works on my computer so it's ok, thanks for the tip.

For the task I wanted to do, for now i'm just trying to understand how the function works to see if it's better using the Script Editor for my project. Thanks for the screenshots, I understand better the functioning of WF !

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Hi @ManonH

Under Edit menu you can enable code completion.

Thank you for asking this. I've added repeat option for individual signals in the ADP3450 'firmware' but no setting for this in the application or public SDK function. It will be in the next version.

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