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Analog Discovery Pro Impedance Analyzer Specs




I am looking at the Analog Discovery Pro and I have some questions related to the Impedance Analyzer and Network Analyzer functionality.

  1. What is the noise floor (dB) (S21 measurement)?
  2. What is the dynamic range (dB)? 
  3. Does the impedance analyzer support thru calibration and / or Short / Open / Load calibration?
  4. Can the channel impedance be set to 50 ohms?


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Hi @AnalogEE

This is what I measure on ADP3450/3250, a prototype without shielding on scope inputs.

1. What is the noise floor (dB) (S21 measurement)?
Wavegen output 50 Ohm and added 50 Ohm terminator to Scope input with a BNC-T



2. What is the dynamic range (dB)? 




3. Does the impedance analyzer support thru calibration and / or Short / Open / Load calibration?
The device Wavegen and Scope can be calibrated and Open/Short compensation performed in Impedance Analyzer instrument.

4. Can the channel impedance be set to 50 ohms?
The Wavegen is 50 the Scope is 1M.

You could try the WaveForms application in demo mode and see its Help or

Edited by attila
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