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Reading multiple data from different fields from thingspeak(8 fields) using the ESP32 for IOT control. (ZYBO-Z7)



Hi, I am currently working on IOT control using ZYBO-Z7 FPGA with the Pmod ESP32, my goal is to read multiple data across 8 fields simultaneously, my current method is reading data from individual fields manually using the code given from this user from a digilent forum (https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/21634-retrieve-data-from-thingspeak-through-using-pmod-esp32/), this method makes the control for IOT very slow as I have to individually wait for 8 fields of data one by one. My current solution I am testing out is to read json data using the C++ code below, however the json file is a placed in constant and can only read from that specific array and does not update real time data from thingspeak, how do I get my ZYBO-Z7 to process multiple data from a single feed with 8 fields all from one json URL? Much needed help please and thanks.

Sorry if I am not clear i can clarify more if need be.

Current code which reads data from fields 1 by 1 

backup2 19112021.txt 

Testing code using json format


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