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EEPROM Address NexysVideo



I'm having trouble accessing the EEPROM containing a MAC ID on the NexysVideo board and was wondering what the correct I2C address was? In the docs it says 1010000b but on the schematic it has address line a0-a2 tied high making the address 1010111b. The I2C is constantly returning all zeroes.

The I2C controller (a different copy of it) in use accesses another I2C device without issues.


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2 answers to this question

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I am using a slightly modified version of the I2C controller from opencores.org by Richard Herveille. The eeprom is being accessed programmatically by a RISCV compatible core that I'm working on. The controller and software work fine with the real-time-clock pmod. What I'd like to know is if the address is correct. I've seen zeros returned before for an incorrect address. I've tried both addresses. If I know the address is correct then I can eliminate that from my debugging. (Not using MicroBleze or AXI IIC bus interface IP).



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