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Hi from Paris, capitale of France


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I m an small user of arduino

I d like to increase my knowledge in Rasperry Pi

I m interested  too to use Labveiw 2018 and would like to know if the digigents Labview products 2014 are compatible with my configuration

otherwise i m interested in all about eletronics builds in kit or to do in a board

In also interested to use again oscoloscope , signal generator and numerical analusor

i m also preparing my Ham license ( Radio user ) in France i a club witch likes also a lot play with electronics cractions

I ve studied in a electro-electronico mechanical school on aircraft in Air France ( but it was a long time ago ). I works in the logistical department in aircraft parts: Far from my loved beguiners work on planes.

Thanks for your attention and happy and enjoyed to know new friends in electronic creations

Nice to be here

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Hi Jon


Thank you for your response

I ve got soon an oscilloscope, a logic analyzer and a function generator GPIB

I m using the windows 10 version of labview 2018: is the language used in labview the same as for Linux, pls  ?


Thanks for your attention

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Hi @Tagazou,

Could you clarify 

"is the language used in labview the same as for Linux, pls  ?"

If you are wondering about using LINX from here. I believe you would need to use LabVIEW 2014 which I believe you have access to with the purchase of the new version of LabVIEW.

thank you,


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Hi Jon


I ve not clearly asked my question: In fact id like to know if ( when labview is lauched ( 2014 or 2018 ))

The developper language in the app is different when using Linux or Wndows 10 ?


Am i clear now ? 




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Hi @Tagazou,

I do not have enough experience with LabVIEW to be useful with this issue. Our co-workers that have more experience with LabVIEW are currently out of the office. I have reached out tho them but i will be a few day before I will have an answer for you. You may also want to reach out to NI support as well. They will have more experience engineers with LabVIEW experience. 

best regards,


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Hi @Tagazou,

To clarify your question. You are wanting to know if the LabVIEW VI's language is the same between windows and linux. Is this correct?

Also my co-workers are back in office. So the turn around for a response shouldn't be very long.

best regards,


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Hi @Tagazou,

One of our more experience engineers with LabVIEW said that each VIs should provide identical functionality on each platform (hardware / OS) with minor exceptions for things like platform specific behavior like file paths, etc.

best regards,


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