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Lock-in amp + AD2 = Signal improvements?




first of all, i would like to state that as a electrochemist i am not familiar with all the electronics jargon that is commonly used, but i am willing to do my best, to fully understand everything.

I am currently dealing with high speed low level signal measurements  and the question that is recently coming up is:

Would a lock in amplifier in combination with the Analog discovery 2 increase the S/N ratio ?, or is there already some kind of digital implementation of the lock in principle on the AD2 ?


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maybe you should explain a little more what you're trying to achieve. One general option is to record the signal and then do Fourier transform in Matlab or the like.

Possibly you need to identify what is the bottleneck (is your detector too noisy, or is its bandwidth simply too wide? The latter can be easily fixed, see above...)


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