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Gerating waveforms from csv files and simultaneous recording on one channel of oscilloscope




I have to generate two waveforms from waveform generator which have to be loaded from two columns of a csv file. Both of the waveforms have to be synchronized. When the waveforms start to play, simultaneously I have to record the output waveform on one channel of the oscilloscope. Can anyone please help with script file to do this task. I am using Analog Discovery 1. 

Thanks in advance

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1 answer to this question

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Hi @Zulqar

In the Wavegen select Synchronized mode, select to show Channel 2 too, select Play mode in both. Import the file twice, column 1 the 2, select these for Wavegen 1 and 2.

Configure the Scope to Record, set trigger Normal on Wavegen1.

Start Scope then Wavegen.

For custom application see the analog in/out play/record Python examples in WaveForms SDK


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