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Posts posted by Grimmers

  1. Szia and Attila

    I got a Raspberry Pi 4 last week on release day (got the 2GB version as they sold out of 4GB in half a day) .  Just got it plugged into the Analog Discovery and it works!

    Not really tried it for long but it seems to work reliably, but only well on USB3.

    On USB3 port, first time it wasn't recognised, but tried again after swapping devices around a then it was detected.  Maybe it clashed with my wireless mouse dongle   When I tried USB2 port, it connected immediately but I found that every few minutes (max 5-10mins) it would throw a device error window and I would have to clear and reconnect.  Maybe RPi foundation kept the FTDI chipset for USB2 and used a new one for USB3 (Pi datasheet only says there is one chipset and it's not FTDI).    I will try and soak test tomorrow, but looking good on USB3.   So far it has been running 23mins with no apparent glitches, and Chromium tabs open.  Waveforms taking 13-20% of CPU in task manager.


  2. UPDATE:  I found the 32bit version of the libstdc++.so.6 library and dependencies and installed the packages.  Waveforms does not find the installed location (/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu) but it also ignores this 32bit file type if I move it to the Waveforms/qtlibs folder.  But I move the armhf version as described above, it finds it but doesn't like it cos it's 64bit.  How does that make sense?  Is it looking for a different 32bit library?

    Also just found this; is this still the case, i.e. can't be done?  Attila said at the time that 32bit app should run on 64bit OS, but last comment didn't go into any detail about why the Adept .deb didn't work.


  3. I have a Pine A64 2GB board that I thought worth trying with Waveforms.   As many of the previous comments, I'm trying to get a small/cheap/portable solution to running AD2, in my case for STEM educational use (not much budget beyond the AD2 itself).    After much trial and error, I thought was close to getting Waveforms/Adept to run on it, but I think there might be a fundamental mismatch.  So before I waste anymore time, can someone please advise if this combo is basically incompatible, or otherwise:  Waveforms & Adept2 with an ARM64 architecture running a 64bit Debian based OS?  (there is no Pine64 32-bit OS build, BTW).

    What I tried so far:     I used the Orange Pi PC Plus guide (link earlier in this thread) as a rough guide to installing Waveforms on ARM, and after a lot of tinkering in the Pine64 version of Ubuntu Mate (setting up armhf and i386 environments, etc), I managed to install the Waveforms & Adept2 packages.  But unlike the comments in the Orange Pi guide,  when starting Waveforms from command line, was that it returned an an error about not finding a library called libstdc++.so.6.    I'm a Linux noob and don't really understand the incompatibilities and dependencies.    I tried a lot of things but in the end, I found and copied these library files to the waveforms library folder;  probably not the right thing to do, but this did change the error to read "wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64" for libstdc++.   So it seems to show that Waveforms or Adept2 ARM versions are 32bit.  I found some related forum threads suggesting that I should install the 32bit version of this library and some suggestion that it is  Adept 2 that is 32bit for ARM.  Either way, apt-get doesn't find a 32bit version of the libstdc++ library, so I'm stuck.

    Any pointers much appreciated.

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