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Posts posted by Gaston1980

  1. I tried to create a simple i2C bus in vhdl. I created a project in XPS and create a ipcore in which a intent to create a i2c bus. I define the sda pin as INOUT. Due to this the VHDL has the IOBUF sda_I, sda_T and sda_O ports like this:

        -- ADD USER PORTS BELOW THIS LINE ------------------
        --USER ports added here
             scl : 	out  STD_LOGIC;
             sda_I : 	in std_logic;
    			sda_O : 	out std_logic;
    			sda_T : 	out std_logic;
    			Led :		out  STD_LOGIC;

    I created a signals and define the control the IOBUF:

    sda_T <= '0' when hab_sda_reg = '1' else '1';
    sda_input <= sda_I ;
    sda_O <= sda_out_reg;

    I know that sda_T is the control of the IOBUF, the sda_I the input to my IP and the sda_O the output of my IP.

    Using scope I can check my data is transmitted to the slave, but when I tried to read I can only see the line is floating even when i set the hab_sda_reg = '0'.

    according to this picture if I set the control line sda_T to 1 the IOBUF will be in high Z and I will be able to read the input of sda, but from scope I checked and is floating. Why?





  2. zygot. Saddly I was able to make it work on tumbleweed but due to external issues (burn my disk and I re install everything) Im unable now to solve this issue. I can use ISE and create project wirhout problems. BUt debug the soft on SDK (launch on hardware) is not working at all. I have java 11 and 17 along with 1.8 on this machine but SDk keep throwing this error. Screenshot_20230620_173109.thumb.png.b80a4f44788b5cb31312067bc4b84c54.png

    this is my config for debug the system but till now no changes. this error persist!

  3. Hi to all, Im using Xilinx ISE 14.6 on Linux Tumbleweed 64 OS. Im able to create projects on EDK and export to SDk, but Im unabled to debug the software on hardware. Everytime I tried to launch in hardware I got this error message:


     Things that I already tried:

    1)Unistall and re install Xilinx ISE

    2)Install java 1.8 on linux but the same error

    3)I already check permission and Im able to use impact to program the fpga

    I know is something related to java, but don't know how to solve it.



  4. I'm using the spartan-6 with ISE 14.7 and I want to use the SPI with en EEPROM. Im using the xspi_intel_flash code as example code. The frist thing I notice is how the interrupt is enabled.

    The way I'm enabled the interrupt is this:



    XIntc_RegisterHandler(XPAR_INTC_0_BASEADDR,XPAR_INTC_0_SPI_0_VEC_ID,(XInterruptHandler)spi_int_handler,(void *)XPAR_SPI_0_BASEADDR);




    But when I tried to send this instruction to the EEPROM:



            if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
                return XST_FAILURE;
            if(Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
                return XST_FAILURE;


    The SPIWrite is send it OK. But the SPIGetStatus returns with error and the program halts. The first thing I guess is that the interrupt is not configured correctly. Is not the same as the example code intel_flash. But why is not the same?

    In the spi_int_handler i got this:


        void spi_int_handler()



    I guess the interrupt is not cleared in the way I'm using. What I have to do to clear the interrupt in the way Im handle the interrupt?


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