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Posts posted by AndrewHolzer

  1. Thank you for your patience @Zafar.

    I'm waiting to hear back from an engineer on the best course of action for you to take. What I've found is that the commit that hash references doesn't belong to any branch in the repository. I've asked for a suitable replacement that you can use. If you wish to continue without having to wait, visit https://github.com/digilent/u-boot-digilent, select a commit you wish to use and note it down (or copy it to your clipboard). Then, in the petalinux project, run petalinux-config, select Linux Components Selection > Remote u-boot settings and then update the Remote u-boot Git Tag/commit with the one you copied.

    Best regards,

  2. Hi @Anatha Vidhya,

    I understand your frustrations and urgency, but this processes isn't a part of Digilent in order to keep our prices where they are. For that reason I am unable to instruct you on performing these calculations yourself.

    Thank you for your understanding,

  3. The summary isn't quite correct. A change in Chrome security policies is preventing the browser from communicating with the Agent when accessing the live version of the site. Using the locally hosted version of the website skirts around these updated security policies, but required updating the static assets served by the local server to a version that supports OpenLogger. Using a different browser (such as Firefox) will allow use of the live version of the site, provided it isn't using the same browser engine as Chrome.


  4. Hi Martin,

    It looks like some changes have occurred in the Chrome browser and others based on it that is breaking some things. You can correct it by going to the chrome://flags page, and setting the 'Block insecure private network requests' to Disabled. This flag is preventing requests made to localhost from sites available on an external IP address, ie waveformslive.com. Continuing to visit the http://localhost:42135 address will also work and has the same functionality of waveformslive.com, if setting a configuration flag in your browser isn't something you want to do. I have noticed that Firefox doesn't seem to have this issue, and I suspect other non-Webkit based browsers will also not experience this issue. I'm not aware of any solutions to account for these changes in browser behaviour, but I will say up-front that we have stopped putting developmental effort into these products and won't be updating the software should any solutions come to light.

    It also appears that your local WFL version is out of date. To update it, download the latest build from here and extract its contents to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Digilent\Digilent Agent\www, replacing <username> with that of your Windows 10 username.

    For future reference, you can enable logging in WaveForms Live by expanding the sidemenu on the Device Manager page, going into Settings, expanding Advanced and clicking on the Change Console Log button. Choose Console or Both in order for output to appear in the browser developer tools, which can be opened by right clicking on the web page and clicking Inspect.

    As for PuTTY, that can be used to bypass the agent and communicate directly with the device, and is helpful for determining its functionality. Since your issue is getting the browser to communicate with the Agent, PuTTY isn't going to much help to us at the moment.

    OpenLogger is only supported on Windows, but OpenScope is supported by Mac & Linux, which is why you see those listed as well.


  5. Hi @MA00,

    I dug out my OpenLogger and had a look myself but found that everything was working fine. Can you enable logging in WFL and open the browser developer tools, then try to connect. There should be some output that appears in the console, and I would appreciate it if you could share a screenshot or text dump if it with me. You might also try running the agent as an administrator and see if that provides any results.


  6. Hello @CurtisNotestine,

    What version of Vivado are you using? Xilinx no longer includes, and has no plans for replacing the Ethernet PHY MII to Reduced MII (MII2RMII) in versions 2019.2 or later. The current work around is to obtain a copy of the IP provided in Vivado 2019.1 or earlier. You can include it in 2019.2 onwards by including it like you would a regular IP repository. This thread has all that information.

    Best regards,

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