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Posts posted by rspanbauer

  1. I haven't tried the Matlab integration with Analog Discovery for a few years now, and figured I would give it a test drive today.  One issue I ran into immediately was that I can't seem to set the sample rate beyond 1 mhz.  I had hoped that higher (non-USB constrained) sample rates are possible, i.e. capturing to a buffer, then downloading the capture into Matlab.  

    I'm using an AMD Windows 10 machine w/32g ram.  Matlab info: R2023a, DAQ Toolbox 4.7, Waveforms 3.7.20 beta (this is what the Matlab toolbox installs), and Digilent support package 23.1.0.  When I try to set the .Rate property to anything above 1 mhz, I get an error:

       Rate cannot exceed 1000000 in the current configuration

    I know my AD2 is working properly - when I run Waveforms, Oscilloscope will sample at 100 mhz: "8192 samples at 100 MHz".

    On another machine I have access to, the support package will allow the .Rate property to be set to values above 1 MHz.  Oddly, on that machine the deviceID returns AD2_0, while on the machine that is sample rate constrained, the deviceID is "AD1".  Both machines properly display the hardware as "Digilent Analog Discovery 2".

    Has anyone run into this issue before and found a fix?


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