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    attila got a reaction from Kota Uchida in Where can I find the specification for JavaScript I2C 'Write' function   
    Hi @Kota Uchida
    See the application Help and examples.

  2. Like
    attila got a reaction from johndah in Analog Discovery Studio, how to power safely   
    Hi @johndah
    Is it safe to switch off the ADS while it is connected by USB to a powered PC?
    Does the headphone jack have an audio amplifier? Can the headphone jack drive a 4-8 ohm speaker directly?
    Yes, see: https://digilent.com/reference/test-and-measurement/analog-discovery-2/hardware-design-guide#audio
    Is it safe to have an external audio amplifier powered on and connected to a powered off ADS?
    Yes, but the make sure the equipment has the same grounding as the ADS and computer since these will be connected via audio and USB cables.
    Is the USB A port a functional hub node? Is it safe to plug a USB FT232RL dongle on the hub while the ADS is powered on or off? Note that I don't intend to use the ADS as host.
    Yes, the USB is plug and play.
    I would like to replace the breadboard canvas breadboard with another one. Is it safe to remove the screws from the canvas?
    Yes, but while powered off to prevent accidental shorts on the pogo pins.
  3. Like
    attila reacted to anLiao in Broken Digilent Analog Discover 2   
    Hi @attila,
    Thank you for the response! I've tried both blowing and brushing the connection port, no success. I'll look into warranty and replacement. Thank you!
  4. Like
    attila reacted to ArjunKariat in Not getting the SPI data when the script is run, but i can see it on the SPY window   
    Thanks alot @attila. I'll look into this
  5. Like
    attila reacted to ManonH in Getting one sample when trigger happens and display it until the next trigger   
    Okey no problem, thank you for the answer !
  6. Like
    attila reacted to bjorn_s in Windows 10 Cannot detect Discovery 2 anymore   
    Uninstalling the device worked! The device is now recogniced by the SW. Thanks a lot.
  7. Like
    attila got a reaction from Hatman in Is it possible to access Waveform "Frequency" measurement thought the Python SDK   
    Hi @Hatman
    The WaveForms application Scope measurements are not available in the SDK.
    The Spectrum/FFT peak with weighted average should give a more accurate frequency measurement.
    For this you could use the newly added FDwfSpectrum# functions.
  8. Like
    attila got a reaction from MarcusD in Wavegen and Scope values do not match.   
    Hi @MarcusD
    High frequency signals get attenuated due to bandwidth limitations, more on Wavegen output than on the Scope input for AD2, see:

  9. Like
    attila reacted to ManonH in Questions on WaveForms with ADP3450   
    Thank you !
  10. Like
    attila reacted to Gregory in ADP 5250   
    I downloaded it from the link provided, and this solved my problem.
  11. Like
    attila reacted to Gokhan in Analog Discovery 2 Waveform on Raspberrypi 4   
    Hi @attila,
    Thank you for your help. I was running the Analog Discovery 2 with a 5 volt adapter. As you stated, it needs to be powered with USB too. After I connected the device on RP4 with a powered USB hub, it was finally connected.
  12. Like
    attila reacted to dbterminator in Analog Discovery Internal Time Zone   
    thank you very much! Now I understood what the StatusTime means! So if I measure the last StatusTime, it basically indicates at which time the measurement ended. Thank you.
  13. Like
    attila reacted to tmk2z in FFT library   
    Thank you for your information. I'll try to use latest version. Thanks!
  14. Like
    attila reacted to Ostin Flores in Reading a DC Voltage from CH1   
    Great!!! This worked beautifully!!
    Thanks for the help :)
  15. Like
    attila reacted to JoeWhite in Analog Discovery 2: Wavegen: Maximum output current or power   
    Thank you very much, attila!
    I searched on the web for hours but I didn't look in the Help-Register on the Software.
  16. Like
    attila reacted to Bagdan in Regenerate whatever is measured at the scope?   
    Thank you
  17. Like
    attila got a reaction from Henning P. in Analog Discovery Pro: AWG clipping in Embedded Linux mode, but not on PC host   
    Hi @Henning P.
  18. Like
    attila reacted to masker in using external trigger as sample clock   
    Hi Attila,
    Thanks! no problem I appreciate your response!
    Good news, arm64 3.18.19 seems to be working! I am reading out the samples with the correct values
    Will you be having an example py file at some time? Having an example of doing it the right way would be very useful. (you can use mine if its of any use)
    I took a look at your latest AnalogInOut_RecordPlay.py, I think the acqmodeRecord streaming mode could be more useful to me, (I've been using acqmodeScanShift so far)
    thanks again
  19. Like
    attila reacted to Peter0201 in Is there a Digilent Cable Driver for Win11 on ARM   
    I found that installing the latest driver from FTDI (see this post) resolved my issue. I did have to uninstall all other drivers using their uninstaller tool.
    I can confirm that I was able to use the Xilinx tools (SDK 2019.1 and Vitis 2022) to connect to our hardware using the JTAG-HS3 cable. This was running Windows 11 ARM in Parallels Desktop 17 on Mac Book Pro with M1 Max CPU. I can also confirm that this is running everything faster and smoother than ever before.
  20. Like
    attila got a reaction from SWC in Digital Discovery, Play mode   
    Hi @SWC
    See the DigitalDiscovery_PlayUpdate.py example in the new software.
  21. Like
    attila got a reaction from fpliuzzi in Analog Discovery Pro Impedance Analyzer Specs   
    Hi @AnalogEE
    This is what I measure on ADP3450/3250, a prototype without shielding on scope inputs.
    1. What is the noise floor (dB) (S21 measurement)?
    Wavegen output 50 Ohm and added 50 Ohm terminator to Scope input with a BNC-T

    2. What is the dynamic range (dB)? 

    3. Does the impedance analyzer support thru calibration and / or Short / Open / Load calibration?
    The device Wavegen and Scope can be calibrated and Open/Short compensation performed in Impedance Analyzer instrument.
    4. Can the channel impedance be set to 50 ohms?
    The Wavegen is 50 the Scope is 1M.
    You could try the WaveForms application in demo mode and see its Help or
  22. Like
    attila got a reaction from SWC in Digital Discovery, Play mode   
    Hi @SWC
    It will be in the next beta version in 1-2 days.
  23. Like
    attila reacted to maculata in M1 Mac Waveforms Memory leak beachball   
    1 Channel Scope with Persistence has been running for 4 days without memory growth.  Persistence has added 3,523,590 acquisitions.  Average ethernet data rate in this configuration (ADP3450 to Mac M1) has been 3.5MBytes/second. 
    Works great!  Thanks.  
  24. Like
    attila got a reaction from SWC in Digital Discovery, Play mode   
    Hi @SWC
    See the following: DigitalDiscovery_PlayRepeat.py
    In the above example DIO-24..31 are is outputs. To trigger on DIO-27 make this change:
    dwf.FDwfDigitalInTriggerSet(hdwf, c_uint(0), c_uint(0), c_uint(1<<3), c_uint(0)) # rising edge of 3 which is DIO-27
    and make sure the output is not enabled on this DIO!
    I'm warning you because I've just spent some time with troubleshooting... the DIO I wanted to use for trigger input was set to be output :)
  25. Like
    attila got a reaction from SWC in Digital Discovery, Play mode   
    Hi @SWC
    Yes, you can use internal, external or software trigger, or the wait-run-repeat cycles.
    See the following example: DigitalDiscovery_TriggerPlay.py
    Use the WF 3.18.15 or newer with a fix for this: 

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