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    attila reacted to dragonLin in How to detecting AD2 removed at usb port   
    1. FDwfAnalogIOStatus  works.
    2. also works.
    thanks for your support.
  2. Like
    attila reacted to Albertu95 in ADP3450 Script use of the waveform generator   
    Thank you!
  3. Like
    attila reacted to Paul Chang in Use Analog Discovery 2 to measure current   
    @JRys Thanks for your anwser.
  4. Like
    attila reacted to dragonLin in Analog Discovery 2 - offset adjustment issue   
    got it. thank for your support.
  5. Like
    attila reacted to Brian C in Report generation from Waveform Script   
    Hi @attila,  thank for this comment.  This is an interesting approach we could look into.
  6. Like
    attila got a reaction from Dante in Analog discovery 2: Export Wavegen data through script   
    Hi @Dante
    Use: Wavegen1.Export("~/Desktop/preview.csv", "Channel1")
    Be aware that this is just the Wavengen output preview.

  7. Like
    attila got a reaction from bryan78 in Digital Discovery patterns   
    Hi @bryan78
    The 'Repetition' channel/signal option is not available for Digital Discovery. Without this the pattern is repeated while the Pattern Generator is running.
    The disabling of this option will be solved in the next version.
    The next version won't list disconnected ADP5250. With the current sw version uncheck the Filter/Remote option.
  8. Like
    attila got a reaction from Mina Sameh in How to measure frequency of analog signal using python APIs provided ?   
    Hi @Mina Sameh
    See the following post:
  9. Like
    attila reacted to Mina Sameh in How to measure frequency of analog signal using python APIs provided ?   
    @attila Thanks a lot!
  10. Like
    attila reacted to longboard in Waveforms with AD2 - measuring Gaussian noise from switching regulator output   
    Thank you @attila. I downloaded the new version of the software and will experiment with the bar option for the histograms.
  11. Like
    attila reacted to Andrei_ in Digital discovery - decoding HyperFlash QSPI   
    Thank you!
  12. Like
    attila got a reaction from JeromeBoateng in [Hardware] Digilent Digital Discovery - Logic Probes   
    Hi @JeromeBoateng
    100R, see:
  13. Like
    attila got a reaction from aket in AD2 : "no device detected"   
    Hi @aket
    The device was probably damaged by high USB voltage.
    I don't think it worth replacing the FTDI since probably other ICs are also fried, see the following two cases:
  14. Like
    attila reacted to J.J. in Waveforms script for controlling Logic1 and Patterns1 instruments with Digital Discovery   
    Hi @attila,
    Thank you for your prompt response.
    I will consider using "config();" right after assigning critical signals.
    Again, thank you for sharing valuable insights into Waveforms and Script.
  15. Like
    attila reacted to Andras in will Analog Discovery 2 work with Android OS on a tablet?   
    Szia @attila,
    I just wanted to share the news that I could make AD2 work with Android. Kind of :)
    I connected AD2 to my Android 10 phone by using an OTG cable. I installed VirtualHere USB Server on my phone and the VirtualHere USB Client on my Windows 11.
    After some basic configuration I could see my AD2 as "Digilent USB Device" on my Windows machine while it was connected to my phone only.

    I selected "Use this device", I opened WaveForms and I was able to start the Scope.
    VirtualHere USB Server costs $25, but it's probably worth it for someone who needs the extra mobility.
  16. Like
    attila reacted to philipg in Waveforms - define default measurements?   
    Ok, great. Nice idea, thank you. 
  17. Like
    attila got a reaction from Andras in will Analog Discovery 2 work with Android OS on a tablet?   
    Szia @Andras
    Unfortunately I don't see having Android support any time soon.
    The WF app can be compiled for Android, I've tested it on my phone. The UI would need some tweaking for touch operation and small screen.
    The problem would be with the USB device drivers but it would be possible to support network devices.
  18. Like
    attila got a reaction from LarsB in WaveForms Logic bug: Moved signals lose name   
    Hi @LarsB
    It is solved in newer version:
  19. Like
    attila got a reaction from LarsB in WaveForms Logic: Arrows scroll the wrong way   
    Hi @LarsB
    It depends on the perspective, some people may expect to shift the signal while others the view.
    You change the Navigation option under the gear drop-down or right click:

  20. Like
    attila got a reaction from JeromeBoateng in multiple Digital Discovery logic analyzers via Python   
    Hi @JeromeBoateng
    See the WF SDK/ samples/ py/ DigitalIn_Trigger.py or other similar examples and the pdf manual.
    Remove or set to zero option to have DIN0... order: 
    dwf.FDwfDigitalInInputOrderSet(hdwf, c_int(0))
    Set sampling format to 32 bit and use c_uint samples:
    dwf.FDwfDigitalInSampleFormatSet(hdwf, c_int(32))
    To trigger on any rising edge on DIN0-19:
    dwf.FDwfDigitalInTriggerSet(hdwf, c_int(0), c_int(0), c_int(0xFFFFF), c_int(0))

  21. Like
    attila reacted to LarsB in List view for bus data (or any protocol)?   
    Oh yes, I didn't notice that all data is shown if I leave the entry field blank.  Perfect!  And the bidirectional navigation will be really helpful, thanks!
  22. Like
    attila reacted to Kurt Blum in Creation of Bode plots with an external generator   
    Thanks for your informantion
  23. Like
    attila reacted to pablo_gatearray in Configure ADP5250 as single channel   
    Thanks @attila
  24. Like
    attila got a reaction from pablo_gatearray in Configure ADP5250 as single channel   
    Hi @pablo_gatearray
    For WF v3.18.29 or newer disabling of one of the channels will allow 1GHz, for earlier versions use the second configuration under Settings/ Device Manager.

  25. Like
    attila reacted to Icarus in How should I interpret the returned value for FDwfDigitalInAcquisitionModeInfo(hdwf)?   
    Got it. Thank you for the info. And thank you for responding so quickly!  
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