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    attila reacted to Adam1973 in AD2 setting digital I/O and using SPI   
    Thanks for the reply :) I shall have a look and report back. Thanks again, Adam
  2. Like
    attila reacted to m72 in Logic Detector as trigger in Scope. Is it possible?   
    3.19.17 installs and uninstalls without problems.
    Thank you very much!
  3. Like
    attila got a reaction from m72 in Logic Detector as trigger in Scope. Is it possible?   
    Hi @m72
    It looks like Win 7,8 requires different commands.
    It will be fixed in the next version. Thank you for the observation.
  4. Like
    attila got a reaction from m72 in Logic Detector as trigger in Scope. Is it possible?   
    Hi @m72
    Please let me know if this works for you too.
  5. Like
    attila reacted to nea in Digital_Spi_Spy_DD.py Capture configuration   
    @attila, you've saved the day, thank you!
  6. Like
    attila reacted to Francisco Focus Ingenieria in Breadboard Breakout female connector part number   
    Thank you @attila!!
  7. Like
    attila reacted to Aero in How WaveForms Impedance Analyzer works (also with Impedance Analyzer Adapter)   
    Thank you for the quick response, @attila! Now I have more understanding about this device.
  8. Like
    attila reacted to AlexMark6 in Output impedance of Analog Discovery 2 Arbitrary Waveform Generator   
    Dear attila,
    Thank you very much to answer my question every time.
    I understood that the output impedance is ~0Ω up to 10mA. Now I can simulate our circuit.
    Best regards.
  9. Like
    attila reacted to JimR2 in Digital Discovery using DIO to trigger a script in Sync Mode   
    Thanks Attila, that was the key to use Channel0. Works fine now! I'd never noticed that tip while hovering before!
    Regards, Jim
  10. Like
    attila reacted to AlexMark6 in Can I create original chart(plot) by Waveforms script?   
    Hi attila,
    Thanks again.
    I will check your advice.
    Best regards.
  11. Like
    attila got a reaction from Sim_on112 in Displaying and exporting scope measurements like Frequency in Scope   
    Hi @Sim_on112
    It can be done in multiple ways but the easier probably is to perform a record and process the capture.
    The frequency measurement is relatively slow. Due to this processing larger number of samples (100M) could take hours.
    Capture + Spectrogram and 3D to show alternative options:

    var rga = []; var rgf = []; var step = 0.01; // sec var start = Scope.Time.Position.real - Scope.Time.Base.real/2; var stop = Scope.Time.Position.real + Scope.Time.Base.real/2; Scope.Time.Base.value = step; print(start,stop,step); var file = File("~/Desktop/test.csv") file.writeLine("Time,Amplitude,Frequency"); print("processing:", new Date()) for(var i = start; i < stop && wait(); i+=step){ // wait to be able to stop it Scope.Time.Position.value = i; var a = Scope.Channel1.measure("Peak2Peak"); var f = Scope.Channel1.measure("Frequency"); rga.push(a); rgf.push(f); file.appendLine([i,a,f]); } print("done:", new Date()); plot1.X.Offset.value = Scope.Time.Position.real; plot1.X.Range.value = Scope.Time.Base.real; plot1.Y1.data = rga; plot1.Y2.data = rgf; // just to revert time settings Scope.Time.Position.value = Scope.Time.Position.real; Scope.Time.Base.value = Scope.Time.Base.real;  
  12. Like
    attila reacted to BigBob in Trigger on custom channel   
    Hello Attila,
    thanks for your prompt respone.
    Your hint helps me with my problem even it's not very convinient, but for this case it'ok.
    Thank you and have a nice day.
  13. Like
    attila got a reaction from Piotr Rzeszut in CANbus FD?   
    Hi @Piotr Rzeszut
    I thank you for your help :)
  14. Like
    attila reacted to Juan05 in Running experiment in analog discovery 2 for the first time with a custom app in python   
    Thank you, the issue has been resolved!!
  15. Like
    attila got a reaction from Juan05 in Running experiment in analog discovery 2 for the first time with a custom app in python   
    Hi @Juan05
    After (the first) connection or when changing offset or range use a bit of wait (0.5-2sec) for the offsets to stabilize before starting the acquisition.
  16. Like
    attila reacted to Fred Ivsic in Trouble to connect Analog Discovery 2 to Mac Book Pro (OS 10.14.6)   
    Thanks for your answer. here blelow the info requested.
    Mac OS 10.14.16 (Mojave), the DMG was not installed as the OS 10.14.6 is after 10.13 High sierra. Nothing change after restarting the Mac Moreover, I use VMware Fusion (11.5.7) for emulating a PC on the Mac and with a virtual machine running Win 7 x64, after installing lastest waveforms release, connecting AD2 works perfectly !! (so strange)
    Thanks for your comments
  17. Like
    attila reacted to Gen in Can't get Waveforms SDK to work on Linux (Arch and Ubuntu 22.04 VM)   
    Oh, I did read through that thread, but thought that because I already had adept installed, it must be a different problem for me. I didn't see that those links had a newer version. 🤦‍♂️
    2.27.7 works without problems!! (on Arch and Ubuntu)
    Thanks for the extremely fast response.
  18. Like
    attila got a reaction from Jry in Loading 'libdwf.so' with Waveforms 3.19.5 throws error   
    Hi @Jry
    It should have been updated here: https://digilent.com/reference/software/adept/start
    Here you have a direct links for armhf and arm64: 
  19. Like
    attila got a reaction from Jry in Loading 'libdwf.so' with Waveforms 3.19.5 throws error   
    Hi @Andrew Rachwalski
    Please update digilent.adept.runtime to 2.27.X
    You can find it under WF beta v3.18.58 links:
  20. Like
    attila reacted to ssm in Using the SDK with AD2 on Ubuntu   
    thanks a million
  21. Like
    attila got a reaction from bryan78 in Adp5250 continuity   
    Hi @bryan78
    Until the option is added you can use a script like this:
    DMM.run() while(DMM.State.running() && wait(0.5)) if(DMM.Measure.value < 10.0) Tool.beep() DMM.stop()
  22. Like
    attila got a reaction from qdewolf in SPI and I2C on adp5250   
    Hi @bryan78
    The SPI and I2C on ADP5250 works with fixed DIOs. The SPI only supports 8 bit FDwfDigitalSpiWriteRead. It is mentioned in the SDK manual Devices/ADP5250.
    In the WF app the I2C and SPI (Read, Write, ReadWrite 8bit); Master, Custom and Script are supported.

  23. Like
    attila got a reaction from jb-.- in Loading 'libdwf.so' with Waveforms 3.19.5 throws error   
    Hi @Andrew Rachwalski
    Please update digilent.adept.runtime to 2.27.X
    You can find it under WF beta v3.18.58 links:
  24. Like
    attila got a reaction from Victor - Covarians in 1.8V I/O digital and analog logic analyzer   
    Hi @Victor - Covarians
    The Digital Discovery has 16 DIO and 24 DIN channel. The digital voltage is adjustable between 1.2-3.3V, this also adjust the input logic threshold. The VIO output is 100mA. The protocol limitations are the same as mentioned before. It has no analog IOs.
  25. Like
    attila got a reaction from bryan78 in Analog Discovery Pro (ADP5250) digital out   
    Hi @qdewolf
    The next sw version will support I2C master for ADP5250. I hope to have it ready this week.
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