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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @jagjordi The I2C Spy is supported by the software bot not the slave operation mode.
  2. Hi @fonak 1. A opens a dialog with several options and B is for quick compensation and enable. 2. The compensation is performed at constant amplitude and the collected data is used also in CC/CV mode. 3. Input gain, angle, voltage and current are not compensated. The other are compensated: phase, impedance, inductance, capacitance, factors.... 4. You can specify average in number of measurements and averaging time for each step. The step is complete when both the number and time are satisfied. Each measurement contains by default at least 16 stimulus periods. 5. time domain data -> Goertzel -> circuit model (C1/C2 or (C1-C2)/C2 or C2/(C1-C2)) -> compensation -> sqrt(Rs^2+Xs^2) and atan(Xs,Rs) Let me know if you need more info
  3. Hi @Jaye Here you can find the supported systems: https://reference.digilentinc.com/waveforms3
  4. Hi @fonak The CC/CV mode was added to WF beta 3.10.3 https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/8908-waveforms-beta-download/ You can find the schematic of IA Adapter here: https://reference.digilentinc.com/reference/add-ons/impedance-analyzer/start Currently you can make lock-in amplifier like this: Impedance 1. Thanks for reminding. I wanted to add offset compensation for DC, just got distracted with other projects. 2. At the moment you can use a script for history like this: Impedance.run() // use averaging to control the sample rate Impedance.Frequency.Averaging.value = 0.2 plot1.X.AutoScale.checked = false var rg = [] while(true){ if(!Impedance.wait()) break rg.push(Impedance.Traces.Trace.getData("Impedance")[0]) if(rg.length>50) rg = rg.slice(1) // max length plot1.Y1.data = rg plot1.X.Range.value = rg.length plot1.X.Offset.value = -rg.length/2 } Power 1. With AD2 6th device configuration you can use the power supplies as AWG With EExplorer board you can use voltage or current AWG. 2, 3 Ok 4. You can use F5/F6 to start/stop an instrument. 5. The AD/AD2 has no voltage or current readback. On the EExplorer board you can adjust the voltage/current limit and also have voltage/current readback. Protocol Logic 1. You can use script, similar to the previous IA In the Logic analyzer increasing the row height you get analog representation for the bus, interpreted values 2. You have I2C scanner in Protocol/I2C/Custom/examples Other 1. You can export and import data into Scope, Spectrum, Logic Analyzer... 2. Ok. Thank you for your suggestions.
  5. Hi @fonak I thank you for the ideas. I plan to add CV/CC mode which will require auto resistor switching on wider frequency range, mentioned by @kojak
  6. Hi @zaxxon Could you confirm that you don't have the /Library/Extensions/ DigilentFtdiDriver.kext? If you have it, please delete this kext.
  7. I'm using Macbook with powered USB hub and never had such problem. @malexander have you seen such problem?
  8. Hi @Cleber Borges The principle of measuring the gain/phase in NA and input gain/phase in IA is the same, except that the NA shows C2/C1 and IA C1/C2. In the Network Analyzer FFT is used since it has option of using external signal generator and spectrum analysis (THD, THD+N, HD2, HD3... plots) In the Impedance Analyzer Goertzel filter is used since the frequency is known, always generated by the AWG of the same device. The input gain and input phase are raw values (C1/C2) the further measurements (impedance, admittance, phase...) take in account the scope probe impedance and open/short compensation.
  9. Hi @Cleber Borges 1-2. The Network Analyzer is intended to characterize transfer function of amplifiers/filters (C2/C1) mainly in form of magnitude and phase, Bode magnitude/phase, Nichols, Nyquist plots. It has custom scriptable plots that can be used for impedance analysis too. This was added before implementing the IA interface. The Impedance Analyzer goes further in calculations, it is intended to characterize elements (circuits, components, materials) in complex form like real and imaginary part, resistance and reactance, capacitance and dissipation, inductance and quality. The IA takes in account the scope probe impedance, the value of this can be comparable to the measured element at high impedance and high frequency; open and short compensation; DUT = like R*|C1/C2|- |RC2|- |Open|- |Short| 3. The NA performs FFT on C1, C2 and gives the magnitude for C1 as C1/Set_Amplitude, for the other channels as C#/C1 and phase C#-C1. 4. I'm not sure if understand correctly, but if you close the circuit without resistor basically you short the C2 to ground... The IA needs a resistor for current limitation and reference.
  10. Hi @jostikas Yes. The calibration parameters are stored in the device eeprom. Which WaveForms version are you using? The output voltage might be low, close to zero because of current limitation. In case this is wrongly calibrated, you might set in the interface 212mA but the actual limitation might be 0mA. 1. Reconnect the 12V power supply for the board to make sure it is reset. 2. Under WaveForms/Settings/Device Manager/Calibrate/Reset/ you can Load the factory calibration. 3. The parameter table should contain values like in the picture. 3. Here you can also recalibrate the needed parts by clicking on the links in the "Calibrate" list, like Positive Power Supply Current & Ammeter, and follow the instructions.
  11. Hi @jostikas I don't see any problem with the project. On workspace save or load all the instruments are stopped, including the power supplies for which the stop means turn off.
  12. Hi @fonak 1. The measurement list is growing, I will have to add option to add/remove items in measurements mode. 2. Rdc: I'm not sure how to fit this in the existing interface which doing AC measurements. Will this DC measurement require a new operation mode? Thank you for the suggestions.
  13. Hi @Bruce Boyes Unfortunately AD2 with RPi is still not working.
  14. Hi @Grant Mathieson The Logger does not provide Scope measurements. This is intended for slow DC and AC signal monitoring. If understand correctly you need sample rate of 100MHz and logging over several seconds or more. The Record has limitation due on USB bandwidth of about 1MHz and 10M samples. For precise periodically monitoring you could use a dummy Wavegen or Patterns, like for 100ms rate specify 99ms wait and 1ms run time. Otherwise you can also use the Scope/Time/Rate option. Select this in Scope as trigger source. You can use Scope/View/Logging/Custom to store the needed measurements.
  15. Hi @Grant Mathieson Sorry but I don't understand what problem you are facing. Here the same phase measurement is calculated in Scope and in Script:
  16. Hi @Grant MathiesonMathieson There can be multiple scopes opened, so from Script tool use: Scope1.Channel1... You can also address the measurements like: Scope1.measure("Phase") Scope1.Channel1.measure("Average")
  17. Hi @Phil_D The received data set may contain inserted or altered by dummy zero bytes so the data can be shifted randomly... To detect such it would require adding a custom CRC wrapper above the communication, firmware and software architectural changes...
  18. Hi @rprr The x86/amd64 Linux builds requires libc6 >=2.14, armhf >= 2.13 You can try installing the WF package on the system even without the device. The SDK examples should execute normally, printing "failed to open device"... The waveforms application due to GUI has higher requirements, but it should start and work in demo mode.
  19. Hi @Phil_D @rprr The problem is that the USB IN packets/bytes are randomly lost/altered. I tried various kernel options, limiting the USB transfer rates but had no luck. The data corruption reduced from one in 1-60 seconds to one in 10-60 minutes, which it is still not good... It seems that the root of the problem is in the low level FTDI library, kernel or USB modules, or between them... The Analog Discovery is working fine with other SOCs but not with the RPi. I also notice issue with the USB keyboard I use with the RPi, time to time key presses are not received. You can find many similar RPi issues on the net: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=5249&sid=8839659cb92b7475fa196b2fad775d9f&start=250 http://www.ftdicommunity.com/index.php?topic=40.0
  20. Thank you for the information. (Meanwhile I tried limiting the USB transfer rate of the device from 30/60MBps to kBps. This did reduce the frequency of lost USB packages from 1/second to 1/hour, but it did not solve the problem entirely.)
  21. Hi @Cleber Borges 1. With the external Amplification option you can specify the externally applied gain (opamp, voltage divider...). Like if you amplify the AWG signal 10 times (10x) the application will take this in consideration, so setting 10V it will output 1V which amplified will result 10V, or for voltage division of 1/100 (0.01x) setting 1mV the AWG will output 100mV, which attenuated will give 1mV signal... 2. This is just a fix. In the previous versions the CPU usage was high when using sound card. I had a hard time to setup the drivers an old laptop which has real line in and out to test the Impedance Analyzer with sound card. The result in ideal cases look good, but this does not replace the Analog Discovery. With sound card the frequency range is limited, the channels are AC coupled, so you have no DC information in scope, you can't set output offset... The reference traces named SC were captured with sound card and the other ones with AD:
  22. Hi @Cleber Borges You can apply lower frequencies with WF v3.7.15: https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/8908-waveforms-beta-download/
  23. Hi @Cleber Borges 1. I don't have expertise in electronics to recommend such. 2. The various options are added in case some of them are not working with a computer to have an alternative setting to try. Theoretically 32 bit should be better, I think in float only 24bit are actually used. It depends on the physical audio ADc/DAc of the computer. I don't see any different between 16b, 32b and Float, so my PC has 9-16 bits mic input. The microphone input is usually mono or eventually stereo, 1 or 2 channels. 3. There is no Nyquist plot in Impedance analyzer but you can create such with the Script tool. plot1.X.data = Impedance1.Traces.Trace.getData("Rs") plot1.Y1.data = Impedance1.Traces.Trace.getData("Xs")
  24. Hi @Cleber Borges The AD2 AWG resolution is ~0.18mV and Scope ~0.3V. To improve the AWG resolution a simple external voltage divider can be used, like 1k/10R which will reduce the 1V signal to 10mV and the resolution to 1.8uV The Scope would require amplification which is a bit more complicated to do. The sound card is an experimental feature and it depends on the audio AD/DAs of the computer. These inputs/outputs are AC coupled so it won't work for low frequencies. Here is a comparison of 1V signal vs 10mV vs 10mV with averaging of 10, for an very small 39pF capacitor:
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