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  1. Thank you, I think it will be more understandable this way.
  2. Dear Attila, thank you for quick response and explaining. But I still think there is something wrong- as you can see on picture1 : the difference X1-X2 is almost 20ns but in measurements window is the same value. (Probably there is no way to see exact values of cursors in measurements window without rounding?). And when X2 is lower than X1 , the values in Measurements are exchanged with each other (picture 2). But X1 is greater than X2 on the x axis. Another question about Measurements window: In my project I am calculating speed from this 2 points on X axis (simple calulating 1/(T1-T2). I want to see result of this in units of m/s with decimals. This works only with choise AUTO in Precision, but only till the value is smaller than 1000 m/s. After exceeding this value, the result is rounded (without decimals) and in km/s or Mm/s (picture3). Is there a way to show it still in m/s with decimals? Sorry for so long post, I´m newbie. Thank you for your time
  3. Hello, I want to display the time at a point on the X axis. The measurement using the cursor is OK, but the value is distorted using the Measurements window. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong when displaying the time in the Measurements window?
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