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  1. @attila, may I suggest the output resistance be added to the specification and/or the RM? Those 220R may impact some users' projects if they assume the outputs may supply/sink a few mA with VOL/VOH close to 0/3.3V like a regular logic buffer or FPGA GPIO. FWIW, I love the AD3, is a fantastic little piece of equipment. BR
  2. Hello @attila, first off, thank you for your prompt response. It turns out I was writing ones to the I2C DIOs as I assumed only the bits set by FDwfDigitalIOOutputEnableSet would be altered. Thank you very much for your great support.
  3. Hi, @attila, is the DIOs of Analog Discovery 3 similar? While troubleshooting the I2C issue I mentioned in other thread, I noticed the low level of SDA and SCL lines, when AD3 is driving them, is around 0.9V with an I2C module whose pull-up resistors are 1kR (5V supplying the I2C module). AD3's RM does not have a diagram of the DIOs, but if those 220R PTCs are present, then that would explain what I observed. Tks.
  4. I am developing a PCB of a test setup based on AD3. I am using I2C to control a couple of I2C I/O expanders to control relays (lots of them). There are a few other devices (relays, LEDs, switches etc.) that I was thinking of controlling through the digital I/O signals. I found a recent thread with a similar use case. That user, though, was trying to use the DigitalOut functions and I understood it is not possible using both, protocol and Digital[In/Out] because of resource conflicts. I only need static I/O and, one of the answers by @attila suggests that it should be possible using DigitalIO: I implemented two small classes in python to perform the i2c and DigitalIO functions I need, and I have run a few tests. In a very similar way as user @liu, I can have the object instances of either class to work separetely, but when I create the i2c object and then the DigitalIO object, this latter breaks the former (it returns "NAK -1"). Looking at the pdf version of the reference manual, I found this: I obviously made some mistake as the statement above is not entirely clear to me. Is there an example or code snippet that I could use as a basis to allow me to use both I2C and DigitalIO without conflicts? Thanks in advance.
  5. I see they can be set in the Waveforms Settings->Options->DIOs, but can I set them through a call of the SDK (using python)? I tried finding it in the online documentation, but to no avail.
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