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Carl Karsten

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  1. you win! openFPGALoader -b arty demo35.bin --write-flash that simple and my arty is just like one fresh out of the box. Thank you. This doc implies maybe the source is available in the wild, but I spent much time trying to find it or find someone who could help no luck. https://www.avnet.com/opasdata/d120001/medias/docus/178/UG-AES-A7MB-7A35T-G_Arty_OOB_GPIO_demo_V1.pdf but that's OK, I don't need the source, just the bin file you supplied, so thanks again.
  2. https://digilent.com/reference/_media/arty/arty_sw_btn_led.zip unzip.. module sw_btn_led( input [3:0]sw, input [3:0]btn, output [3:0]led ); assign led = sw | btn; endmodule This is all that is there. it is not what is preloaded into the Arty
  3. I'd like to re-flash my A7 with the bitstream that was per-installed. I'd assume it was here but I can't find it. it displays this on the serial ******************************************************** ******************************************************** ** Avnet/Digilent Arty Evaluation Board ** ** LEDs and switches GPIO Demonstration ** ******************************************************** ******************************************************** ** Choose Task: BTN0: Print PWM value. BTN1: 'Cylon' LED display. BTN2: Scrolling LED display. BTN3: Return to this menu. and blinks the LEDs per button presses. The purpose is for students in a lab to start with a 'fresh' board like when it comes out of the box.
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