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Clayton Armstrong

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  1. Using the WaveForms SDK and an Analog Discovery Pro 3000 series (ADP) I would like to perform some impedance measurements and then perform some output operations on the digital IO's of the board. My question is whether the disconnected IO pins shown on the schematic for the impedance analyzer are available to be read/written to when the Impedance Analyzer is connected. If so, should I be able to connect the ADP 3000 to the Impedance Analyzer using female-to-female jumpers and access the unconnected IO pins with female-to-male jumpers?
  2. I was thinking of buying one of the Analog Discovery Pro's (ADP) for an application that I am working on. I was reviewing the forums, and the help pages, and I still cannot be certain that the boot modes work as I think they do. If I connect to an ADP using WaveForms and then set the boot mode to Linux mode, will the ADP boot into Linux mode after being disconnected from the host PC and repowered? I am thinking of writing a startup script that runs a program written uses the WaveForms SDK when the ADP is booted into Linux mode. For this to work, I need to ensure that it will boot into Linux mode on power up without any user interaction and no connection to a host computer.
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