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  1. Hi @attila I have decided to buy the AD3, now I am able to get the time delay. Just a question, the setup (AD3 connected to BNC Adapter which from the wavegen side sends signal and receives with channels) is easy to use by putting transducers on each side of the part with one transmission and one receiving. I am trying to use a transducer that sends and receive, to cables from C1 and W1 go to a T-piece which connects to a transducer. What Noticed is that the T piece acts as a signal splitter and I am not really getting anything from the transducer, is there anything I can do on a software or I need a time delaying component (please advice on the component if so) Regards Zamokuhle
  2. Hi, I have an AD2 connected to a BNC adapter connected to a amplifier, connected to a transducer, then on the other side I have a receiving transducer which is connected back to channel 1 of the the BNC adapter. The waves get generated using waveform software and receiving if is also done on the software. My first problem is getting the delay time between transmission and the receiving transducer so I can calculate the thickness of the part. The only thing I can get is the change in amplitude. I wanted to ask if its possible to get time delay with this setup especially since I can not overlay the wavegen graph to the scope graph? Also with this setup I would like to have a pulse echo setup of which I am also not sure if its possible, please advice. Regards Zamokuhle
  3. I wanted to do what you showed in the first image, and if i click the dropdown in Wavegen 1 it allows me to select a box "control wavegen here" but it does not allow me to select box you selected. I guess its because I ama using AD2 ? I also tried using math or the custom option , where I wanted to use wavegen as a reference which would make it easy to compare it with the received signal, the software doesn't allow that. Is it all caused by AD2 limitations?
  4. Hi, I am using the waveform software to do ultrasonic tests, the software does not allow me to show the generated wave and the received wave in the same plot, the reason I am doing this is to get the time delay. The software allows me to control wavegen from scope but it does't allow me to select wavegen so that its shown in the same plot with the scope. I have checked the website and youtube videos without any success. I am using Analogue discover 2 with the software. Thanks Zamokuhle
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