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Dick Roche

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  1. Fausto - I think the old numbers for my Team View account should be good but I now have had trouble sighning in too many times, Won't let me back on right now. I'll send you a note if anything changes. Thanks Dick
  2. Dear Fausto- would you please help me by getting into my computer as you did before. I somehow got back to a 2021 version that I never had access to. When ever you have the time. All I need to use for my application is analog voltage input. (-5 +5) I'll leave the 1208FS-Plus connected and my computer on standby.. I have a "proof of concept" testing to do. If I can get the analog inputs working I should be ok. Dick Roche
  3. Thank you Fausto, and staff for the time and patience. Regards, Dick Roche
  4. I FOUND MMCDRV_"C:\Program Files (x86)\DA"C:\Program Files (x86)\DASYLab 2022.1_en\MCCDRV.dll"SYLab 2022.1_en\MCCDRV.dll" iS THIS THE FILE? IF SO, HOW DO I DRAG & DROP IT WHERE IT N
  5. no, I don't see the MCCDRV FILE WHEN I EXPAND \ENG
  6. Fausto, I can't find the MCCDRV_I.DLL
  7. Fausto, Would an option be my sending you (pre-pay FEDX) and I pay a fee for the troubleshooting. Time is important to both of us and I feel I am wasting a lot of yours.
  8. ThANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. i AM TRYING TO USE THE 2022 AND NEVER HAD Dasylab on it is installed Instacal is loaded and does recognize the USB-1208FS-Plus. Recently I haven't been able to load MMC-DRV. I did have it once. Thank you Dick
  9. 08202024 NNR.DSB is the w08202024 NNR.DSBorksheet I had running.
  10. AT ONE POINT THE MCC-DRV inputs and outputs were displayed in the tree but somehow I lost them and InstaCal dosen't get them back. Question: A few years ago I needed assistance with installing a CAD program- to save time, the tech took control of my computer for the installation. Is it possible to use that method. Then as now, I have made a lot of mistakes. I would gladly pay a fee for this service- could you do this?
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