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  1. Hi attila, thank you for your help!! After a few days of testing and resolder, I think is the poor connection of jumper cable from the sensor to the dev kit Ya but thanks for your help , i manage to understand how to use the analyzer better. Appreciate it!!!
  2. Great Thanks to Attila !!! I manage to capture the message sent from the development board (MOSI) after modifying the options as what you told me but my issue is , this is when the sensor is not powered, I can capture the message sent out. But once the sensor is plugged in, the logic analyzer failed to read . I am not sure if this is because of my code or the connection ( i changed the sensor , cables but still the same ) . Any help or insight is appreciated
  3. Ya Hi Attila, I want to create another post to avoid misunderstanding. This is using the "protocol" in the WaveForms instead of Logic Analyzer (as screenshot attached) When I plug out the sensor, I can read the SPI Message And when I plug in the sensor, i cannot receive any. I think "spy" function should listen to all SPI messages?
  4. I am using an Adafruit SPI FLASH Breakouts W25Q16 to test my SPI message. When I connect the discovery 2 directly to the nrf52840 development board for SPI connection, i can see the SPI message using Protocol - SPI - Spy When I connect the discovery 2 with the nrf52840 development board together with the W25Q16, I cannot receive any message May I ask if there is any potential reason for this or do I need to change any settings?
  5. Yes , I am sending 0x9F 0xFF(Dummy) But my concern 1. Why in this case, my clock signal is not as normal , which should be a up and down square wave? 2. When I connect the discovery 2 directly to the nrf52840 development board for SPI connection, i can see the SPI message using Protocol - SPI - Spy When I connect the discovery 2 with the nrf52840 development board together with the W25Q16, I cannot receive any message
  6. Update: The select pin looks very weird to me And when i zoom in to the spike of clk and data (MOSI) I am double checking the code , but it is weird why it can read out the data 0x9Fh and dummy data 0xFFh
  7. I am using an Adafruit SPI FLASH Breakouts W25Q16 to test my SPI message. When I connect the discovery 2 directly to the nrf52840 development board for SPI connection, i can see the SPI message using Protocol - SPI - Spy When I connect the discovery 2 with the nrf52840 development board together with the W25Q16, I cannot receive any message May I ask if there is any potential reason for this or do I need to change any settings?
  8. Thank you for the reply! The frequency is 8M , I will double the capturing rate tmr when I reach the lab. but for the 2nd last line , is actually the clk signal, but it does not look like it, it should not be just spikes , does the capturing frequency affect this?
  9. Hi all , I am new to analog discovery but I have watched the tutorial videos. I am trying to see the SPI signal from nrf52840 board When I use the "Protocal" , I can see the data sent When i use the logic analyzer * Trying to see the signal graph , below is what I get But should I get something similar to this ?
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