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Status Updates posted by Abdelkader

  1. Hello, 

    I am new on this forum, i have a new zybo board, i built the hdmi_in design and it work very well, now i am working on adding a hough transform to the design, can you help me to do this task?

    Thank you

    1. sbobrowicz


      Would you mind posting this publicly on the forum? You might get some help from the community, I'm not familiar with the hough transform.

      In general for video processing, If you need to perform a transform on a video stream, you will need to implement it in HDL, which will be quite tricky (though Vivado HLS can make it easier). If you only need to perform it on an image at a time, you can just use an existing C implementation and run it on a single frame grabbed from the HDMI stream.

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