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  1. Thank you, I overlooked the second option to calibrate for high gain, I only did it for low gain. I have another question: I use the BNC adapter to get the signal of the wavegen to my oscilloscope. If I touch the BNC cable it shows movements on the oscilloscope and sometimes it gets "stuck" and I have to recalibrate the device to eliminate the offset on the oscilloscope. I want the AD to run independent without having to calibrate if somebody moved it or the cable. Is there a way to avoid that or is there something wrong with the BNC adapter?
  2. Hi, I want to replay a .csv with my Analog Discovery. For that I modified the AnalogOut_Play.py script, but sometimes I got an offset (~0.1V). I record the output with an external oscilloscope. For testing I created sinus signals in an array and replayed them, the values are between +/-1V. After amplification with FDwfAnalogOutNodeAmplitudeSet to +/-5V I get an offset of 0.07-0.1V and the offset after the signal is around 0.1V if I replay the signal again with no amplification this offset vanishes again. I recalibrated the device to eliminate this as an error. A similar thing happens in the Waveforms UI if I select 5V as amplitude for a sinus without running it and i zoom in on my oscilloscope there is an offset of 0.07V if I select 1V as amplitude it vanishes again. Is this the normal for the hardware and is there a solution for it? I added pictures, one of the whole range and one zoomed in. Thank you in advance
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