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  1. Hello, I am using a Eclypse Z7 and Zmod Scope 1410-105 module. I started from a DDR Streaming example project. (https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/eclypse-z7/demos/eclypse_platform_manual) I am trying to configure the user calibration values to modify gain and offset of the ADC signal. I tried to modify the values on Vitis, by modifying the values of 'ZmodScope_CalibrationCoefficients factory' directly (factory.Channel1_HighGainAdditive = something, like this) and by using the function ZmodScope_SetCalibrationCoefficients. But it doesn't work. And I am not sure if I should add a module to send the extcalib values on Vivado. I think I am missing something here. Could you explain how it works and how it should be modified properly? Thank you in advance. HKO
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