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  1. I am trying to do the following (sorry this is probably pretty basic) 1. generate a 200 µs wavegen pulse with a duty cycle of 5% --> pulse will be high for 10 µs (5% of 200 µs) and low for the remaining 190 µs. 2. start logging 30 µs after the pulse begins for 170 µs (200 µs - 170 µs = 30 µs) 3. Repeat the pulse generation and data logging process 50 times, then average the collected data. So what I was trying to do, was to generate the following waveform And then use rec. on the scope, to record both channels (one to check the pulses from the wavegen, and he other to record the actual data). And was thinking of just using the manual trigger. I was going to do the cropping/averaging myself (I tried seeing if I could make a custom measurement where it only takes the voltage over 170 microseconds).
  2. Hi! I am using the Analog Discovery 2. Ultimately what we want to do is generating bias pulses (to drive a power amplifier which connects to a device we are measuring) and acquiring the response data (from the device) within the pulse windows. So right now it would be a pulse (we are not too sure of the width, but ~a few ms) and then for the remaining part of the period, we record/log data. I did try this briefly but it seemed to only send the pulse.
  3. Hi I am sorry, this is probably a basic question but I am struggling to understand If I wanted to send a square wave of a few seconds, and then record for a few seconds. I am assuming this is something I should code in with Java?
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