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  1. Hi Attila, thank you very much. Could you provide an example how to use custom Math for shifting the signals? In the meantime I have figured out an alternative method for adjusting finer. I my case I can actually use oversampling and when using a filter Math performing an FIR delay I can generate a finer phaseshift as: 1/(sample_rate*oversampling_rate). E.g. for 4 times oversampling I can adjust the phase shift in 2.5 ns steps. Best regards, BUtech
  2. Hi, I encounter the following (unwanted?) behavior when using the maths channel in the waveforms scope application for an AD2. The issue I'm facing involves the need to deskew respective channels for a power measurement using the product of a measured current and voltage. For instance, the measured voltage is CH1, and the measured current is CH2. In my case, I've delayed CH2 by 14 ns, which is correctly displayed in the scope window. However, when I enter a math channel M1 and multiply CH1*CH2 to obtain the time-dependent power, the math channel's result is the product of the original CH1 and CH2 values without considering the deskew time of 14 ns entered. I've made some attempts to resolve this issue. One of them was configuring a second math channel using a custom filter to implement a FIR delay by one (10 ns) or two (20 ns) samples. However, I couldn't achieve a finer resolution than this. I think this is an unusual behavior of a deskew. Should not the delayed CH2 be used to evaluate the math channel M1? Someone may have an idea to fix this problem, at best, using a custom math channel. Best regards, BUtech
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