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Posts posted by wayyu

  1. Hello

    I'm having a hardware design and it's bitstream, and I have tried to program my device(Digilent Arty Z7-10) with QSPI mode and it works(my led on).

    But after I used Vitis and try to run software, it went out that I have to change to JTAG mode so the error message "Cannot reset APU. APB AP transaction error, DAP status 0xF0000021" won't occur.


    Than the problem cames, after I program device with JTAG mode, the board doesn't react. Even if I program device with VIVADO hardware manager, it still don't works. Why did this happen?


    Thanks for your reply!

  2. Hello


    I'm currently working on a project with a lot of access to DDR on my board, and I'm trying to run simulation to know if my design is work.

    Since the there's a DDR controller inside the ZYNQ, I use MIG to generate a memory interface and use ddr module in it's example design, but the simulation result shows that the DDR module's signal is all Z.

    So I'm wondering if there a way to just use my ZYNQ DDR configuration to generate a ddr module for simulation?

    Or did Digilent provide ddr module or MIG configuration that matches my board.

    Thanks everyone!!!

  3. Hi

    I'm trying to do a project that PL can read/wrtie DDR3 with High performance AXI interface of ZYNQ on my Arty Z7-10, and I want to know is there an IP for the DDR IS43TR16256A-125KBL(which is the DDR3 used in Arty Z7-10) so I can simulate my design with HDL wrapper on vivado.

    Since  I don't find this kind of resource that can used for simulation on https://www.issi.com/US/Index.shtml

    If anyone know where to find it, it will be a lot of help for me, thanks.



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