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Posts posted by Hernanrl1

  1. I used the FT_PROG program to establish a configuration in the FT2232H of my CMOD S7 board and after that the VIVADO program in its version 2023.2 stopped recognizing my board, searching for people with the same problem I came to the following article https://digilent.com/blog/what-do-you-do-when-your-board-is-no-longer-detected-by-vivado/?_ga=2.166958782.1871263912.1712373828-923910907.1712373828 where it mentions that for my board to be detected "In Windows Device Manager, when connecting Basys 3, you should be able to see a USB A serial converter and a USB B serial converter in the Universal Serial Bus Controllers dropdown menu. If you look in the 'Properties' panel in the 'Details' tab 'and look at the "Bus Reported Device Description" dropdown in the Property dropdown, it should say "Digilent USB Device". To which I check in my device manager and instead of saying "Digilent USB Device" it says "Serial USB". Converter A" and in the same post they make the following comment: "If the EEPROM is not found and it is determined that it was overwritten by FT_PROG, post it in a forum thread to receive a message about an application." So I'm here if anyone can help me solve my problem, thanks in advance.



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