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David Calatayud

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Posts posted by David Calatayud

  1. Hello all,

    I'm reaching out for some assistance with a USB-1208HS-4AO device I've recently acquired. My goal is to integrate it with Python on a Linux system. Following the setup instructions on the mccdaq UL for Linux GitHub repository, I attempted to run one of the provided C example programs. Unfortunately, I encountered the following error:


    Found 1 DAQ device(s)
      [0] USB-1208HS-4AO: (01E92182)

    Connecting to device USB-1208HS-4AO - please wait ...
    Error Code: 93
    Error Message: Incompatible firmware version, firmware update required 


    After reviewing the Linux Product Support documentation, it seems that the device requires firmware version 1.07 or newer. However, I've only been able to find firmware updates for Windows, specifically at this Digilent link. I'm at a loss for how to proceed with updating the firmware on Linux.

    Does anyone have experience with this or know where I might find a Linux-compatible firmware update? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    Best regards, David

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