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Posts posted by Dinesh

  1. I followed the above 3 steps  with pre-built images but when i flashed the images and insert SD card into the board, the board is not booting up.

    there is nothing coming in serial console.

    the red colored LED is coming up but the green one does not, i also checked the jumper(JP5) which is in SD mode.


  2. I tried to boot prebuilt linux images on zybo z7010 board, here are the steps i followed, still i'm unable to boot the board via SD card.


    1. Installed petalinux from AMD wesite given in petalinux tools documentation(UG114).

    2. Downloaded BSP from digilent website for zybo z7010(https://digilent.com/reference/lib/exe/fetch.php?tok=bb63b7&media=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FDigilent%2FZybo-Z7%2Freleases%2Ftag%2F10%2FPetalinux%2F2020.1-1%2FZybo-Z7-10-Petalinux-2020-1.bsp)

    3. Installed BSP using command(petalinux-create -t project -s <path-to-bsp>) and project built successfully.

    4. Partitioned SD card into two parts(FAT32 and ext4)

    5. Copied BOOT.BIN,image.ub and boot.scr files into partition 1.

    6. Ejected SD card and inserted into board(jumper set to SD mode)

    7. Connected serial port(minicom) and set baud rate to 115200.

    these are the versions of of OS and petalinux i used (OS version: Linux ubuntu 22.02.2 LTS and petalinux: 2023.2)


    There is nothing coming up in the console i.e the board is not booting.


    partitioning image.jpeg

    images on SD.jpeg

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