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Posts posted by Hakuna

  1. Hello everyone,

    I'm working on a project where I'm using an FPGA and I'm having trouble establishing reliable communication with the Digilent PMOD RS232 module. I've set up the hardware configuration in Vivado to use the UART Lite component and I've tested it with two different baud rate settings: 115200 and 9600. Despite these settings, I can't seem to get functional communication with the PMOD RS232 module. I then use Vitis IDE to code my C program and allow me to send data.

    To provide some context, here are the steps I've followed:

    - I configured the UART Lite in Vivido for my FPGA project, specifying the baud rate settings at 115200 and 9600 to test both cases.
    - I developed a simple UART data transmission and reception program to test the communication.
    - When testing with the Digilent PMOD USB UART module, everything works perfectly well. Data is sent and received without any problem, which confirms the proper operation of my basic hardware and software configuration.
    - However, when I switch to the PMOD RS232 module to try to establish serial communication via RS232, it does not work. I tried looping back the Rx and Tx PINs, but it still does not work.
    - I wonder if anyone here has encountered a similar problem or could offer advice on what might be going wrong with my attempt to communicate via the PMOD RS232 module. Are there specific settings or configuration considerations I might be missing for RS232 in particular? Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated to help me solve this problem.

    Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

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