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Michael Bradley

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Posts posted by Michael Bradley

  1. I have a flash ADC built and I am trying to use my FPGA as the priority encoder. I need to connect the 3.3 and 0 V signals coming off of the comparators to my FPGA. I don't see any general purpose IO pins like an Arduino has so I was curious as to how I should connect the wires. Can I just use the PMOD ports for this purpose and alter the constraints/xdc file to map to whatever name I give them in the verilog code?

  2. I am working on an assignment and we are asked to sample and display a 2 MHz sine wave at Fs = 5 MHz. We are then asked to compute the 256 point discrete Fourier transform by adjusting the frequency bins to be sample_size/2 - 1. I've been playing around with waveforms and I noticed that it samples 8192 samples at 100 MHz.

    I have tried adjusting the stop frequency to 2.5 MHz under the FFT tab to try and adjust the sampling rate but it keeps showing the 100 MHz sample rate. Is it possible to change the sampling rate and sampling size to 5 MHz and 256 samples? Further, is there a tab for frequency bins somewhere that I am just not seeing? Thanks!

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