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  1. This is a silicon detector (PDA36A2): https://www.thorlabs.com/thorProduct.cfm?partNumber=PDA36A The input voltage is 12V and transformed to 5V for the computer.
  2. I have a circuit connection like this: The optical detector is powered by a 12V battery, the ground wire of the detector is left open. The raspberry pi computer with MCC 128 data acquisition board (ADC) is powered by 5V from a step-down transformer. When trying to connect the BNC cable of the detector to the ADC (computer), the detector shuts down. If either the detector or the computer is connected to the grid (other one is connected to the battery) then everything works fine. Is it a grounding issue? I’ve tried to connect all grounds together to the ground from the grid to have a common ground with no success. Can anyone please explain the mechanism here, or provide me some relevant links? Let me know if you have any confusion with the circuit design. Thanks.
  3. Hello, I am planning to run a real time data recording script using mcc128 acquisition system on raspberry pi. The idea will be: mcc acquisition system will keep recording 24/7, while at some specific time and condition, the computer will save a few seconds of the recorded data. Is it possible to run the acquisition system and save data simultaneously? What type of information should I consider while writing the script? If there are some relevant tasks, can anyone please refer some links? Thank you.
  4. Hello, I want to record data using mcc128 (single-ended) and mcc172 (differential values) at the same time. The output should be two numpy array from two acquisition systems. Can you please guide me how to accomplish this? Thank you. #mcc #daqhats #python
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