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Chithambaram Veerappan

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Posts posted by Chithambaram Veerappan

  1. HI JColvin

    Thanks for the info. I may be being silly, but if the external JTAG port does not provide access to the PS_POR_B pin which is needed for resets, what is the point of the external JTAG Port being on the board in the first place?



  2. Hi JColvin

    Thanks for your suggestions. I skimmed the thread that you suggested. I think I have already tried some of what has been posted. 

    I ended up giving up on getting the WaveShare to work with the Zybo and when straight to the connecting it to our custom platform, which works, which is the end goal anyway.

    My gut feels that it should work using an external JTAG as the port is provided on the Zybo after all. However I think there maybe something on the blank Page 8 of the Schematics that we may need to know in order to get it working - although this is only a guess on my part. 



  3. Hi All

    First post here and a novice using Vitis and Vivaldo. 

    We have a Zybo (possibly a Z7, not sure as colleague bought it) which we are developing future device on. We have also developed dedicated/custom hardware for this future device. 

    Thus far we have been using the onboard JTAG connection and this has worked well. Our future device only has a JTAG connection and not the combined FTDI USB UART/JTAG combo that is on the Zybo.

    As a first stage I would like to get an external JTAG Debugger working with the Zybo board. We have bought the WaveShare JTAG programmer/debugger from Amazon. 

    I have disconnected the USB connection from the Zybo and connected the WaveShare. The WaveShare is seen by Windows Device Manager as a 'Programming Cable' --> 'Xilinx USB Cable'.

    I am now struggling to get Vitis to use this to program/debug the Zybo. It sometimes programs the FPGA, but mostly not. When it does, it does break on 'main' in my application, however I am then not able to step or do anything. It looks like it is only 'half' seeing the device. 

    It looks to me that I am missing a driver or missing a step somewhere. It looks like the Hardware Server Agent is not seeing this device. 

    I am using Vitis and Vivaldo 2022.1.

    Any thoughts or clues?

    Thank you in advance


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