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  1. Hi Fausto, I've previously accomplished this using an NI daq, not an MCC daq. In NI MAX you can declare the channel as semi-period, but it does not seem as though that's an option using the ULx library. Based on what you said above, does that mean that there's no way to obtain duty cycle by any other means?
  2. Hi, I am trying to take a duty cycle measurement in LabVIEW using the ULx library. In the past, using just LabVIEW, I have done this using the semi period option when setting up my channel but it appears that there is no semi period option in the ULx create channel VI. Is there another way to proceed with this or is this just something that isn't offered by the ULx library?
  3. Wanted to give a final update and solution to my issue. In instacal, my input mode was set to differential when it needed to be set to single ended. This I believe was something you had previously mentioned but I had assumed that it had been properly configured already seeing as we have been using this DAQ for some time now. Thank you for all of your help.
  4. I'm not sure if the problem could be incorrect wiring/grounding issues. My only reasoning is that this hardware has been in use for years now but has been interfaced with DASYLab instead of LabVIEW. So if that was the issue, wouldn't we have been seeing a similar issue in DASYLab?
  5. I've attached the vi I'm currently working with, I think it's simple enough for you to follow. ULx_MotorControlTest.vi
  6. Thank you for the clarification. Do you think that's part of the issue or was that just to make sure we are on the same page?
  7. For the most part, that was the process I have been using already, open instacal and then labview. I just tried restarting my computer fully then opened instacal first and then labview and I'm still seeing the same issue. As a quick note to this issue, I also have 2 digital channels set up for motor control and a counter input for measuring hall counts from a hall sensor. These channels are acting as expected, the only ones I'm having issues with are the analog inputs, being Ai6 and Ai7.
  8. First of all I just wanted to say thank you for the help. Using your advice I've been able to make significant progress. I'm running into some new issues now though. It appears that I cannot read values from these channels unless I start reading them in DAQami first. If I run the labview program I've created, the indicators I have for current and voltage just read 5 and do not change as I run my motor. If I begin running my configuration in DAQami first and then begin running my labview program the values do change (although currently unscaled). Do you have any idea what could be causing this? I'm very new to this library and DAQami (this is the first project I'm working on using both) so I'm learning a lot as I'm going.
  9. I think I'm still confused because unless I am looking at something different, as seen in my attached picture, I was able to select Analog Current in the create channel vi.
  10. Thank you for the help, but I'm still confused as I'm not sure if this answers my question. I understand that you can use the browse option to select multiple channels, but my issue arises with the create channel vi and how you can only select one data type and I would like to measure two (voltage and current). It seems like your suggestion would work if I was trying to measure two separate voltages or two separate currents at the same time, but not wanting to measure two different data types at the same time. I attempted to use a concept my boss had used in older versions of labview where you would use the DAQmx create task vi and then cascade the DAQmx create channel AI voltage vi into the DAQmx create channel AI current vi into the start task vi as a previous way to create the task. The issue I saw with trying to apply this concept to the ULx for labview is that there is no create task vi.
  11. I have been looking around on the internet for a solution to my issue but haven't been able to find anything online, in the provided user's guide and other informational documents, or in the help tab in LabVIEW. I am looking to take data from two different channels under the same task (measure voltage and current simultaneously) but cannot find a way to accomplish this like you can in LabVIEW with creating the tasks in NI MAX. Is there any way to accomplish this or is the library not capable of this.
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