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Posts posted by da9da9

  1. Actually I said 'format', but specifically I changed my ssd in my laptop.

    I connected my old SSD by external SSD case, and run the labview 2014, and it working just fine.

    Could you figure out?


    스크린샷 2024-03-04 155511.png

  2. These are the measurment from the instacal. The channel A0 and A1 is connected to a sensor. Those sensors output at rest is 2.5V so It seems like it has no problem.

    스크린샷 2024-03-04 154505.png

    스크린샷 2024-03-04 154513.png

  3. About the DAQami warning, I figured it out. my document is synchronizing by the Onedrive cloud. I realized that the path location is different from the previous location before format my laptop. Which is weird, but the DAQami is looking for the previous location. I don't know why. Does this have something to do with my Labview issue?

  4. Hi

    I have a problem communicating USB-231 with labview 2015


    I formatted my labtop and re-installed Windows11 and labview 2015.

    Previously I was using Labview 2014, and it has been working great.

    But Now I am working with the same vi file under labview 2015, it is not working properly.

    I installed instacal, and changed the configuration as single ended, and installed ULx. 

    When I open the vi, it gives some path warning, missing sub-vi. So I replaced them, and it does not give me more warning.

    But once I start the measurment, It gives NaN, If I measure 10 samples, 8 of them is NaN, and 2 of them is correct value.

    I test the measurment via DAQami. It is working well. It does not give NaN. But the value was sinusoidal, not constant Peak to Peak was about 0.2V. Also, once I close the DAQami and save the configuration, It gives me the error signal, like "An internal error occured in DAQami". I have never seen this before I format my laptop.


    Would you please help me?


    THank you.




  5. On 12/11/2023 at 1:32 PM, JRys said:

    The maximum current the Analog Output can provide is 5mA, so the funny behavior is most likely because you are overloading it. Review the sensor's datasheets to determine the required current. 

    Hi, JRys, Thank you for your answer and Happy New Year.

    As your advise, I am going to connect my sensors like this. Do you Think this will works?


    Thank you





  6. Thank you JRys


    I fixed the problem, for now. 

    I used two pressure transducers and one flow sensor, and I drove those sensors using analog output.

    It was working fine until last Thur, but It starts to give me some crazy value from Labview last Friday.

    I disconnected the flow sensor and The pressure sensors are working fine, now. Likewise, I should disconnect the pressure transducers if I want to use the flow sensor.

    But I still don't know why it started to go weird. Do you have any Idea?

    I need to use those three sensors simultaneously someday. So I would like to ask for some advice. 


  7. Hi I am using USB-231. I bought this about 30 days ago.

    It was working fine, but since today, It is going crazy.

    First, although I apply a 5V DC into the AI0, other AI1 to AI3 measures a similar value. (Single ended 8ch) I did this test from the instacal.

    Second, it gives wired sinusoidal noise from AI channels without any connection.

    Third, It does not read the analog signal from my pressure transducer.

    The weirdest thing is that It was properly working until yesterday, and I did nothing wrong, I guess.

    I attached two video. Although I measured them from the DAQami and It does the same thing.

    Would you let me know how to fix it? I reported this issue to Digikey and I requested return.(I bought this DAQ from Digikey)

    But if I can fix this problem, I would just like to use this DAQ, not return it.


    Thank you




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