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Todd Westcoat

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  1. Agreed. But we got them through for years. And they are working now using MAPI client Thunderbird. But cannot seem to get past MAPI error in DasyLab on the new one.
  2. Tried gmail. Got attached error. Fresh account I just set up. MS O365 error returned from Verizon.docx gmailerror.docx
  3. From DasyLab SMTP to gmail and then to the cell phone, using gmail as a sender? DL SMTP to vtext.docx
  4. Can I get an update? Can you simulate? I need to get something working as DasyLab does not see the local client either. I get an Email Error when tring to use Thunderbolt. If there are other people using DasyLab to send emails or texts I am interested if they are using a Client or Direct through DasyLab. I can attempt to send via a gmail account but I think the message will still be rejected.
  5. Issues started a few years ago. We installed USB power switch devices and reset Web-temp. I put on a Sales Engineer ticket to get quote or call. We bought new webtemps to ensure that they were most recent. They work great but every once in a while lock up. Which I cannot have anymore. Need quote for new units. But wish I could demo a USB-TEMP. I want to be sure.
  6. We use web-temp 8 channel for simply transmitted temp and or powered temp/humid probes. Want to ask community if USB devices are better. I have all Webtemps except 2 in server room but would like to convert 3-5 to USB devices if we think they are less prone to failure. I have temperature on freezers and pharmacy rooms and I cannot be missing data. We measure every 5 minutes but need once per hour. Reseting a webtemp once it freezes up requires a power cycle. Please suggest MCC 8 or more channel devices to replace my TCP/IP webtemps unless the latest version is better and will not freeze up on me. Or it senses and resets itself.
  7. Ok will try this method. Thanks so much. I got it to work with t-Mobile text. But cannot get it to work with Verizon texts. I can try gmail account instead of the Office 365. I am trying to abandon Thunderbird as it does not work consistently. So I did set up the OpenSSL and can get emails sending fine. However, I get errors with vtext. I put another discussion on for this one. Again thanks for help. This is most important thing it does so I have to figure out how to send email and text a users phone.
  8. We have mission critical application and have been using Thunderbird email client. That has been failing on the email sends. MS logon does not come up. Not really your issue. But recommend a client we cna use that works. We are using MS Office 365 noreply. We started DasyLab 2022 sending to smtp.office365 and it works fine to tmobile but only worked 1 time to vtext.com. I also tried the vzwpix. Returns error: Your message contains invalid characters (bare line feed characters) which the email servers at vtext.com don't support. More Info for Email Admins Status code: 550 5.6.11 This error occurs when the email program or device used to create or send an email message adds bare line feed characters into the message. When bare line feed characters are included in a message, the SMTP protocol chunking feature is required to transmit the message between email servers. Chunking uses the SMTP protocol BDAT command, but the recipient's email server doesn't support the BDAT command. To fix the issue, the sender should send the message using an email program or device that doesn't add bare line feed characters to messages. Most modern email programs don't add bare line feed characters. If the sender is using a device like a fax machine, printer, or scanner, it's likely an older model that doesn't support the SMTP protocol BDAT command. To fix this error, you'll need to replace the device with a newer model that supports the BDAT command. The industry standard recommendation to support SMTP chunking was published in 1998 so most devices manufactured during the last decade support this feature. Another option is for the email admin at the recipient's domain to upgrade their email servers to servers that support the SMTP protocol BDAT command. Most modern email servers support BDAT; however, some free and older email servers don't support it. For more information see Fix email delivery issues for error code 5.6.11 in Office 365.
  9. Ever since we upgraded to O365 and use an SMTP account via Mozilla Thunderbird we have had send issues. If we change account in Thunderbird, DasyLab gets MAPI unknown error. Desperately need to correct this as my experiment sends messages when freezers or rooms are out of temp range. email send module. Have downloaded evaluation copy of DasyLab 2022 and get same MAPI error. All was a fresh install. It takes a bunch of effort to get the experiment SMTP sending to work now. If someone can recommend a software or method to use my Office 365 noreply account. If we need to software are add a local SMTP server to the machine we will do whatever. Doc5.docx
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