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  1. @attila, today I received the digital discovery. When I try to run "digital_I2c.py" I get the following error: Opening first device failed to open device b'Device not supported. No compatible configuration found. Update Digilent WaveForms.\nFDwfDeviceOpenEx\n' Why? It works fine with Waveforms Thanks Francesco
  2. hi @attila Thanks.. can you provide an example file to use as template for inputs?
  3. Thanks a lot I will study the example. Is there an example where an external file with the file to be play'ed is used and the recording is saved to another file? Francesco
  4. I can use external pullups, no problem for that. It is not clear to me how to configure the Digital Discovery to make what NI-HSDIO call "Dynamic Generation and Acquisition", where it is possible to play a user defined waveform on a output and at the same time record an input. Is there any document that describe how to do this? Thanks Francesco
  5. HI @attila and thanks for your reply. What about running I2C at the maximum allowed bitrate? is it possible? In other words (I am using Lavbiew) can I write an arbitrary value as input of FDwfDigitalI2cRateSet? Regards Francesco
  6. Hello! is it possible to use one Digital Discovery to generate a pattern on some IO's and analyze the response on others? ALso, is it possible to use it as I2C master at custom speed up to the maximum allowable? Thanks Francesco
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